Totally Blank

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Crystal's POV

" Of course, I can." I told her. " I am just trying to make my parents happy. If they are not happy in their lives for this divorce then it's my duty to make them happy trying to remarry them. I am trying to do that. I don't know if I be successful but I will keep trying until I am successful." I said.

" Alright, then. I am telling you the story because you are trying to make things right. You are right you would come to know this one day even if I didn't tell you. Someone would definitely tell you." She said and I nodded.

" So, your parents got married at a very early age. Do you know that?" She asked me.

" Yes, someone told me that. And they were very young as well when I was born." I said confidently.

It's nothing to feel awkward. My parents were married and if a married couple want to have a baby then they can have it. It's not a crime. So, if my parents had me then what's wrong with that?!

" Yes but they were great parents. They never failed to take care of you very dearly." She said. I sighed. " Don't you want to know how and why they got married at a very early age?" She asked me.

" Though it's not at all my concern but still if you want to tell that then go ahead, Mrs. Clarkson." I said and she nodded.

" Cause their family wanted them to get married when they are ready to get married." She said.

" Were they fine with that arranged marriage?" I asked her.

" Yeah, they didn't have any problems cause they had almost the same in their nature." She said.

" Alright, then?"  I asked her.

" But your mom's grandma suddenly died and this why they got married that early. Because she was too young to handle things alone." She said.

" But my mom had siblings." I said.

" They were younger than her. She herself was young. How can her siblings help her? And she had some greedy relatives around and of course her step family." She said. I nodded.

" Then?" I asked her.

" They were very happy couple and you were born. They were more than happy." She said.

" Yeah, I am their lucky star." I said to her.

" Yes, you are. No doubt on that." She smiled and said.

" Alright so if this true then why did they got divorced?" I asked her.

" It's very complicated." She said.

" When you were 4, no one knows what happened to your mom that she started to act abnormal. She used to act like she has no control over herself. Everyone was too worried about her. They thought everything will be fine until one day she tried to kill herself. Yes, she tried to shoot herself that day. If your grandma wasn't there and rescued her in time then she would have killed herself that day and you wouldn't be able to meet her ever again." She said and I looked at her with my eyes open wide. What?!! My mom tried to attempt suicide? But why?!

" Why did she do that?! What was her problem?" I asked her.

" No one knows because everytime she was asked about the cause she used to say she doesn't know what happened before. She doesn't remember anything that happened awhile back." She said.

" People around started to talk about it. Most of the maid and valets left the house. They thought there is some bad soul which has captured her soul which was utterly bogus. Only a few were left who used to work at day time. No one wanted to be near your mom. When everything was almost ok and she seems to be doing well suddenly the extremely awkward thing happened when one day your mom tried to kill you." She said. I was shocked as hell.

" What the hell are you talking about?!! Have you gone out of your mind?!" I almost yelled at her.

Even if God comes to tell that my mom tried to hurt me I wouldn't believe him. My mom will never ever hurt me. She will hurt herself instead but will never ever try to hurt me. No. She was lying. I don't believe her anymore. I don't want to listen anymore.

" Don't lie, Mrs. Clarkson. My mom will never ever do such things. Don't blame her for something that she hasn't done." I said and she sighed.

" It's truth. Your dad was the one who saved you. Then he send you to your uncle and Aunt. I was there with them when they send you to your uncle's house. I mean your mom's brother's house." She said.

" May be they send me because my mom was sick but my mom tried to kill me is not possible ever. I mean ever." I said. She sighed.

" Alright, if you don't want to believe that." She said. " It was cleared then that somehow your mom got a mental issue. She was too much stressed to handle herself. So, your dad decided to visit a psychiatrist to talk to him about her. She was under the rules but she kept missing you and you kept whining for your mother. As she was improving so your dad decided to bring you home back. There is no doubt that your mom loves you the moon and back. When you came back at home she started to recover very quickly. I used to visit her regularly that time. She was very happy then. Your dad never left any chance to make her happy as he never wanted to lose her. Their happiness increase thousand folds when your mom got pregnant again." She said. What!!!

" My mom was pregnant that time?" I asked her.

" Yes, she was." She said.

" Then where is my little brother or sister? Where is the baby? Why didn't anyone informed me about my own sibling? I need to see him or her. Do you know where the baby is?" I asked her. She looked at me sadly. What's wrong!!! I want to meet my sibling.

" Let me finish, Crystal." She said. I nodded.

" Sure." I answered. I am excited to meet him or her.

" But their happiness didn't last long. Her mental issues kicked in again and messed everything up once again this time it broke things completely." She said.

" What happened?" I asked in horror.

" One morning your mom got very sick and when was taken to the hospital doctor said that she has got a miscarriage." She said and my eyes started to tearing  and I felt Thea holding my hand tightly in hers. " Later it was discovered that she was having abortion pills instead of the medicines that was suggested by her psychiatrist." She said.

" What?! My mom herself is a gynaecologist. How can she didn't recognize it was abortion pills?" I asked her.

" She was sick that time and her mental issues. She might haven't noticed it. No one trusted her except for your dad. But your mom lost her trust on herself. She kept quiet for days and suddenly one day she asked for divorce from your dad. She thought her mental issues might force her to hurt you or your dad which she never wanted to happen. She was already in pain and didn't want to make it more complicated. She just didn't want anyone get hurt by her the miscarriage made her feel so guilty. Your dad tried to stop her but she didn't stop. She chose the way she thought is the best for you all. This is why she doesn't want to to get close to anyone. She doesn't want you to stay there with her for long and doesn't want to come back to Milan. She wants to stay alone so that she doesn't hurt anyone." She said and I looked totally lost. For a moment I felt like I don't know the world I live in. I found myself very helpless. Very very helpless. Only I could feel what I was feeling inside me. Totally blank.

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