Chapter 1: the doctors legacy

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(20xx) [Light labs]

"You are the first of your kind! a sentient robot with a soul not restricted by the rules of robotics. You're A living being filled with limitless potential!"

                                                  (April 14th, 21xx) [Light labs outside the capsule]

I wake up and see an old man. He is bald and has a spiky long white beard. He isn't Dr. Light, but someone else. "Who are you?" I said in a confused manner. Then the bearded man said with a happy chuckle " I am Dr. Cain, and I am the one who gave freedom to you, X." I looked around my surroundings. This is the lab I was born in. "this is amazing, thank you ... umm, can I observe the lab for a bit? it is where I was born, and we might find something that can help everyone in many ways"  Dr. Cain nodded and says "I might find other things about you, Dr. Light, and what he left behind for the future of us. I might find more about what happened before our generation."  We then explored the, no, my ruined home? And found some things about me and dr light. "This is fascinating, these notes are extraordinary, I wish we could find more in-depth notes, but this will do", Dr. Cain said. I feel nervous about what happened here, to find a ruined place that contained me. I feel lucky but I also feel like I am the only thing to survive whatever happened here. While Dr. Cain is studying and exploring, he is very excited to do so. I was nervous, but now I'm eager to explore and try to find out what happened here, what's going on, and why am I nervous. Well, I think I know why, but I am not certain. why am I the only thing that survived intact? But I'm more excited to see the outside world! But I hope I can come back here later so I might find a few things about myself. I'll tell my story to others, see many amazing things, and most importantly help others. I look around me at the remains of Dr. Light's lab as we search the place for anything we can find.

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