Chapter 6: day to remember

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Clementines alarm beeped loudly in her ear, making her groan as she looked at her phone. It was already twelve.

"Shit!" She whisper shouted as she ran to the bathroom, quickly taking a shower and getting dressed. Once she finished getting dressed, it was now 12:30 Clementine furrowed her brows as she went the the dresser and looked at her hair. She only put in dry shampoo and let it lay naturally, she didn't really care for taking care of her hair. After that she looked at her phone to see a message from duck, she grinned with excitement as she read it.

"Hey clem! How's Washington treating you? My dad said we might visit soon so I hope to see you then." She quickly typed back with a smile plastered on her face.

"It's great! I really hope to see you soon. Don't quack too much while I'm gone." She teased, her and duck have been best friends since they were eight. Ever since what happened to her parents he had always been there for her. She looked at the time again to see it was finally one. She slowly walked down stairs and went to get her shoes on.

"Sweet pea, your friends are here for you." Carly said. Clementine only nodded her head as she bent down to grab her shoes.

"Where's dad?" She asked as she bent lower to tie her shoes.

"Work sweetie, and you should really hurry they're waiting." Clementine sighed as she turned around, startled to see the group of teens sat on the couch with red faces. Clementine looked to Louis who seemed the most flustered of them all, she wondered why they were all acting this way. Until she remembered how she bent down, her face went red as she quickly grabbed her coat and motioning for them to follow.

"Love you bye mom!" She shouted as she ran out of the house and waited for the others. Mitch looked at Clementine with a smirk as he walked past her, Marlon looking at clem and Lou as he chuckled.

"Your moms nice." Brody said awkwardly, Clementine looked at her and smiled thankfully.

"So where are we going?" She asked as she leaned against the wall, Louis cleared his throat as he spoke up with a cheesy grin.

"We're going to the park!" He said with excitement filling his voice. Clementine crosses her arms as she scoffed.

"A park?" Sophie rolled her eyes and stood next to Louis.

"If you don't like it you're welcome to stay home." She challenged. Clementine stepped forward and scowled at the girl.

"I'm just asking a question, if you don't like that you can shove it up your ass." Clementine growled, the others let out a laugh as Sophie rolled her eyes and stepped back.

"The park isn't that bad, it's kinda special to us. Something we've always had, especially him." Violet said pointing to Louis, he watched Clementine as she nodded. He wanted to make it up to her, and ask why she was so upset. Suddenly Mitch put a arm around her and grinned.

"Well let's move!" He shouted as they started walking.

"Are we walking there?" Clementine asked looking back at the group, Mitch smirked proudly as he brought out a pair of keys and unlocked the door to his car. They all stared in awe, though most of them had already seen it, it was still beautiful. Mitch went into the driver side as everyone went to the back, Mitch stopped Clementine and smiled kindly.

"You can go to the front with me." She shrugged as she walked to the front, leaving Louis behind them with furrowed brows. 'So what he has a car?' He thought to himself as he sat down in the car and buckled his seat. They all sat down and started talking, Mitch started the car and drove to the park. Sophie failed at trying to flirt with Louis because all he could look at was clem, the way she smiled would always catch his eyes.

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