Chapter 18: You're a moron

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Once the others had finally left, Clementine and Louis had finally gotten ready for the day. The two sat on the couch as he wrapped his arm around her tightly, she looked up at him with a smile as she pecked his lips. His cheeks flushed with a tint of red as he kissed her head lightly, he pulled the blankets over them as she shivered slightly.

"What time should I head back?" She asked as she didn't rip her eyes away from the tv, Louis let out a hum before he thought for a moment.

"Maybe... three?" He asked with a smile, Clementine let out a small laugh as she nodded.

The two sat in silence as she rested her head in his shoulder, butterflies flew around her stomach as she was near him. She looked up at him lovingly as she pushed his dreads aside, trying to get a better look at his face. Louis looked at her with the corner of his eye, a smirk played on his lips as he stared ahead.

"I know I'm a work of art but you don't have to watch me too intently." He boasted, Clementine let out a scoff as she stood up. She put her hands on her waist as she smirked.

"I guess I won't look at my boyfriend that way, see you later." She teased, he let out a sigh as he quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her to his torso. He gave her cheek many kisses as she squealed, he looked down at her lovingly as he cupped her cheek.

"You can always look at me that way, you know I tease." He said with a smile, Clementine slowly nodded her head as she closed her eyes lazily.

His lips pressed against hers as he kissed her slowly yet sweetly, the two pulled away with a smile. His hand continued his caress her head as she looked into his eyes, those brown almond shaped eyes that melted her heart.

"You tired?" He whispered, Clementine slowly nodded her head as she held his hand.

He quickly picked her up and walked up the stairs, Clementine let out a small laugh as she held onto him tightly. Their bodies bounced as he quickly scurried up the old staircase, he slowly walked into his room and shut the door.

The both of them slowly walked over to the bed as they laid down together, he looked down at her with a lazy smile as he kissed her forehead. She let out a small giggle as she nuzzled her head into his chest, he quickly pulled the blankets over them and held onto her body. His warm chest slowly rising up and down as the two smiled, his soft hands held hers as he let out a hum.

"Night." He whispered.

"It's day?" She said with a smile, Louis shrugged lazily as he closed his eyes.



Heavy breathing was heard in the back, the sound of someone running. Sweat dripped down the figures face as their lungs burned, fresh tears stained their cheeks as their legs ached. Their limbs finally gave out as the figure collapsed onto their knees, his short dreads hung infront of him as his hands covered his face. His heavy breathing turned into sobs as he punched the ground, a loud scream rubbles in the back of his throat as he looked up.

"It's okay Louis." A soft voice whispered, he slowly looked up to see a kind glowing figure. Her face seemed oddly oddly familiar, her soft hands reached out and cupped his cheeks with a kind smile. "It's not your fault."

"W-Who are you?" The young boy stuttered, the angelic like creature infront of him kneeled down with a grin. She slowly brought her lips to his forehead, her eyes shut as she pecked his head.

"Something that you wish you had." She whispered as she stood up.

Louis reached his arms out as the girl looked down at him guiltily, he tried pulling at the soft fabric of what seemed to be a dress. The glowing figure began to disappeared he cried, his arms suddenly giving up as everything faded into nothing.

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