The Fall

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A/N- This is my first time writing so I hope u enjoy it! I changed a few things so ya hope u like it. Also none of the artwork through out the story is mine

Let me tell you a story about a boy. A boy who tried so very hard to stay strong in the face of hopelessness. A boy who's dream was to become the number one hero like his idol. Unfortunately, that's not what fate had in store for him. Fate had a much darker destiny for him filled with anger, sadness and betrayal. So let me tell you this story about a boy. A boy named Izuku Midoriya.

Life had always been hard for Izuku, or as his childhood friend and bully called him Deku. Because in the world he lived in you were either magnificent or you were nothing. You either had a quirk or you did not. Deku did not. He was one of the 20% that was born without a quirk. He was quirkless. A nobody. Deku was harshly ridiculed for this. This one thing that he could not control. He was bullied and beaten on a daily basis, and would go home with more wounds than he had when he left. He would lie to his mother and tell her he had an accident or that he fell. He would write it off as clumsiness because he didn't want her to worry. His bullies, led by his childhood friend Bakugou Katsuki, would beat him, and call him names daily to get him to give up on his dream of becoming a hero. Still, he stubbornly held onto that dream until one fateful day. The day everything changed. The day Deku fell into darkness.

Deku's POV

Today had been the worst day I've had in long time. The teacher was telling everyone about who wanted to go to the hero academy UA, and when she called my name I could feel Kachaan's heated glare burning a hole through my skin. In that moment I knew something very bad was going to happen. My only hope was to escape before he could catch me after lessons. So, as I packed up my bag, as fast as humanly possible, after we were dismissed I prayed to whatever deity was out there that he wouldn't catch me. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough.

Just as I was putting my latest hero analysis book in my bag he snatched it out of my hand. "What is this horseshit you have here?" Kachaan said as he held the book above his head where I couldn't reach it.
"Give it back! That's mine!" I said as I stood on my tiptoe to try and reach it.

"Hero quirk analysis book 13. Why do you even have this shit, you should know by now a quirkless bastard like you could never be a hero." He smirked as he watched the tears fill my eyes threatening to fall.

"I can still be a hero! Now give it back!"
I could see in his eyes I had made him angry by yelling at him, and i began to feel nervous and afraid.

"Fine if you want it so bad here you go." He said as he lowered the book. I reached for it confused and also relieved that he was giving it back. However, right before I was able to grab it and safely put it in my bag, he used his explosive quirk to fry my book.
"You should know by now not to make me angry." He said as he turned to leave the empty classroom. "Here's a suggestion for you! How bout you take a swan dive off the roof and pray you get a quirk in your next life. Then maybe you will have a chance at becoming a hero." He laughed at his own cruel words. Before turning to face me once again. " I'll be waiting for you outside. Don't think you are getting away. And don't you even dare try to run." And with that he waltzed out of the classroom leaving me, once again, broken and sobbing.

"K-Kachaan p-p-please stop..." I sobbed curled on the ground as his friends and him were kicking and punching me. They had grabbed me as soon as I had made it far enough away from school that no teacher would see them. As I sobbed and tried to protect my head from the onslaught, I heard a voice yell

"Hey, you kids! What are you doing there!" Kachaan and his friends quickly scrammed so they wouldn't get caught and punished for what they had done.
"My young boy are you alright!?" The voice I now recognize as my idol, All Might, says as he kneels down beside me. I desperately try to stop my trembling and wipe my tears as I painfully sit up and face him.

"I-I-Im okay. I think." I stutter as I stare at him slightly star struck. I don't know how he of all people ended up saving me today, but I am grateful. Since I had him in front of me I gathered all The courage I had to ask him one question. The one question that I've wanted answered for as long as I've known I was quirkless. Whether or not I can be a hero. "All Might sir. Is there any way for me, who's quirkless, to become a hero?" I ask with hope in my heart. He looks at me sadly before shaking his head.

"I'm sorry my boy, but there is no way you could ever become a hero. It's hard work even with a quirk. You would die almost immediately when you went up against your first villian. It's time to think of something more realistic. Like a police officer, or a firefighter." I can feel my heart shatter. My whole world crumbles. I guess in my heart I knew that I wasn't going to be able to be a hero, but I still held out hope. Hope that my idol would tell me different. But here I am with my foolish dreams crushed, and no idea what I will do now.

"Thank you sir. I-I should be going now..." I bow to my hero and walk away, not aware that he watches me sadly until he can no longer see me.

The next few days go by in a whirlwind of pain, sadness and anger. I told my teacher I wasn't going to be applying for UA anymore, and as I was leaving the staff office I overheard him say, "Geez, finally realizes that there's no way for him to be a hero. About time." This made me angry. How could everyone be so against me!? How could none of them believe in me, like I need them to? Why was I born quirkless? This thought makes me want to scream and cry and throw things.

Because of my lousy mood over those few days Kachaan and his friends beat me more severely every day. The taunts I never let get to me before start to slowly kill me inside. I become more depressed than I have ever been and I begin to go to places I never have before. Places no middle schooler should ever go

After school one particular day I was walking along the street on the bad side of town, and saw something strange. I saw what appeared to be 2 men, one of which appeared to be a shadow man, fighting a person. Or I think they were fighting. I couldn't really tell what was happening because of the dark alleyway they ran into as soon as I spotted them. Instead of turning around and leaving, like I would normally do, I began walking towards them. Just as I reached the alleyway I see the person drop to the ground burned to a crisp. Terrified and shocked with what I saw I start to back away, only to run into another person behind me. I whip around and see a tall man with a hand covering his face, and 2 blood red eyes staring at me with malice. He immediately reaches out and grabs my throat with 4 of his fingers, leaving one off for some reason and pulls me towards him. He pulls me right up to his face and in his raspy voice says, "What do you think you are doing here boy? Do you want to die because this was a pretty stupid move on your part to come here."

Trembling in fear I manage to stutter out, "wh-wh-who are y-y-you?"

"My name is Tomura Shigaraki, now answer my question boy. Do you want to die?" I shake my head as much as I can in his grasp and he chuckles darkly. "I see something in your eyes I like. Yes, I see hopelessness and anger in your eyes. What is your name boy and Why am I seeing those emotions...hmmmm?"

"My name is Izuku Midoriya and I don't have quirk so I am constantly bullied and have no worth." I spit out suddenly angry. "No one believes in me and even my idol told me to give up on my dreams of becoming a hero!"

"Instead of becoming a vile hero, how about you come with us... And become a villian. My master can give you a quirk. Any quirk you would like and then you would be able to show all those people who didn't believe in you just how strong you are. So what do you say boy? Either come with us, and start a life of villiany or I can kill you here and now and no one will miss you."

I think about this for only a second before looking this scary man in the eyes and say, "Make me a villian every one will fear and acknowledge. I will come with you."

The smile I receive sends shivers down my spine, but I know as I see a black portal appear that I have made a decision that I cannot back out of. He lets go of me and walks to the portal, motioning with his hands for me to go first. As I step into the portal and come out the other side I see I'm in a bar. I turn to see Tomura Shigaraki behind me smiling maniacly. He spreads his arms out wide while saying, "Welcome to the league of villians Midoriya. Now, let's go get you a quirk." With that he spins on his heel and walks to a door motioning for me to follow.

Guess there really isn't any turning back now, huh?

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