Slowly Working My Way Into Their Hearts

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The days have slowly melted into one another again and I don't know how long I have been here. After my first outing I have been allowed to come and go as I please, to an extent. I have to have someone with me at all times when I am outside or away from the main rooms of the compound. Normally I have Shinsou with me since he seems to be one of the few who can understand sign language. He mainly acts as my translator but over the time I have been here he has become a friend. He listens to my rants and has even helped with bullying when I was first allowed to roam. Seems as if many people don't like the idea of me being here and would rather me dead. I have run into many instances of bullying but slowly I'm trying to win everyone's heart.

"Izu, it's time to go back." Shinsou grabs my arm gently and hauls me to my feet from my crouch. We are outside again, since it is my favorite place to go, and I had lost track of time watching a caterpillar move along the petal of a flower. Glancing at the sky I see that dusk is not too far off. Sighing lowly to myself I dust off and start trekking back to the trapdoor of the compound. Shinsou follows close behind and as we make our way to the door I glance back at the castle in the distance.

It still brings feelings of accomplishment and fondness that I can't help but to wonder about. Someday I'm going to make my way to it and find the answers that are hiding within. However, today is not the day. "Come on Izu." Shinsou pulls me by my hand down into the dark, making me shiver involuntarily. I always hate this part of going back. The darkness and dampness of living beneath the earth after having just experienced the light of the world above.

Once we make it all the way into the compound I skip my way to the common room for some dinner. Upon entering I see some of the people who have opened up to me since my stay and wave at them enthusiastically. Some wave back and some just tip their head in acknowledgment as I skip by. "Come on! I'm starving! What's for dinner tonight!?" My rapid signing only proves my excitement and I smile widely when the smell of the food hits my nose.

Taking off at a sprint, I dodge objects and people in my way and burst through the kitchen door. "Wha-! Izu! Don't scare me like that!" A woman yells from behind the counter. Scratching my head guiltily I shrug my shoulders before cocking my head to the side. "Wondering what we are having for dinner are ya? Well I'll have you know I cooked up a big batch of chili and rice just for you tonight."

My eyes light up before I start dancing happily, making the cook laugh happily. As she plates my food Shinsou finally shows up and immediately whacks me on the head. "Wait for me next time dork." Rubbing my sore scalp I simply shrug my shoulders before taking my food, and beginning to walk away. However, the cooks voice stops me in my tracks.

"Now, now don't think this is free. My fee is a hug thank you very much." Looking back I see her cock her hip to the side with her hand resting on it in a rather cheeky manner. Smiling widely, I put my food down before quickly hugging her with all my Might. Leaning my head on her I take in her butterscotch smell and I can't help but tear up a bit. I wish my mother was here but I guess she didn't survive whatever happened when I was younger. I've only heard about her from Kacchan but by the sound of it she was a marvelous person.

Pulling back I wipe my tears before bouncing away with my food. Leaving the kitchen behind, I return to the common room and look for somewhere to eat. Spying Kacchan and Kirishima with some other people at a nearby table I skip over, only for everyone at the table to stop talking as soon as they noticed me. Confused I stop before sitting down and cock my head to the side. "Why did you stop talking?"

Kirishima and Kacchan watch my hand intently while I sign and I make sure to go slower for them. Recently they have been learning sign language so they can talk with me better, but I still have to slow down quite a bit before they understand. They also sometimes still need Shinsou to translate when I get too excited or upset. "We didn't stop the conversation because you walked up, we were simply done." Kirishima answers for all of them and I think I can detect a hint of uncertainty in his tone. Crossing my arms I cock my hip to the side and give them the 'are you kidding me' look. Kirishima laughs softly before pulling me down beside him. "Don't worry about it doll. Okay?"

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