What Have I Done

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He stood there waiting for my answer, but I had none. His red eyes boring holes into mine while he wears a sadistic smile. Recently he had stopped wearing that mask he wore when he first came so now you can see all of his expressions.

"Let me ask one more time. What is it going to be Shouto?" He seems impatient but everytime I open my mouth to tell him to stop nothing comes out. I dont want my father dead, I just want him to be less of an asshole. Then again, if he was gone then maybe mom could come home. Maybe we could be a family again. Im abruptly shaken out of my thoughts by Felix's, or maybe I should say Midoriya's, voice. "Wouldnt it be nice for him to be gone? Your mom could come back, your brother wouldnt have left, and no one would have to suffer anymore? Doesnt that sound great?" He floats up to my height and behind me, only to wrap his thin arms around my shoulders. "Hurry up and choose. He'll be waking up soon."

Just as those words are muttered from his lips Endeavour bolts upright, holding his head. Looking toward us he sees Felix with his arms wrapped around me, eyes glowing red, and a malicious smirk on his face. "Why you little punk! I outta show you some manners." Endeavour closes the distance between us in a few steps and rips Felix from behind me, slapping him across the face once he has him in his grasp. "You should show some manners to your elders boy!" Dropping Felix to the ground Endeavour swiftly kicks him in the side, making him fall. What follows are a great deal more of kicks, punches, and curses. Once Endeavour decides he has dealt the lesson accordingly he turns toward me. "You know what happens if you tell anyone. Now, clean this mess up."

I swiftly run to Felix's side, and pick him up bridal style ready to take him to the infirmary. I glare at my father, who is now walking away, with disgust and hate. Grabbing my head suddenly and pulling me down to his level Felix asks, "Last chance. What's it going to be?" He coughs up some blood immediately afterwards but his eyes continue to burn a crimson red. Swallowing all of the hero training I have received, I utter two simple words. Two words that have the power to change my life and the outcome of it. The words that will make me turn my back to everything I wanted to be.

"Do it."

"Perfect." He sneers and before I know what's happening Endeavour's head does a complete three-hundred sixty degree turn. The immense crack that went along with the turn makes my blood run cold, and a shiver run down my spine. His body slowly hits the floor and then everything is quiet. No sounds other than Felix and my breathing can be heard. Suddenly, Felix jumps from my arms, completely fine, and turns around laughing. "Geez, thought you were going to disappoint me and let him get away. Oh well. Good job." He laughs maniacally for a moment before looking at me in satisfaction.

"Welcome to the League of Villains Shouto. Call me Izuku Midoriya." He stands there dramatically for a moment before dissolving into a fit of laughter. "Come on. Let's get the hell outta here. I'm sure people are looking for me and I dont want to deal with any of those idiots." He turns to walk off motioning for me to follow.

"Where are we going?" I ask beginning to follow after him. I stop for a brief moment beside my deceased father. "You should have been a better person. Maybe you wouldnt have met this end." I reach down and close his eyes and the continue to follow Izuku out of the hallway, then out of the building. "Hey!" I say catching up to him. "You never told me where we were going."

"Isnt it obvious? I'm taking you home so you can meet the others." He shakes his head and whacks me on the back of mine. "Gosh silly, use that big brain of yours." And with that we walk in silence.


Turning into an alleyway after what feels like hours of walking, but was only probably thirty minutes or so, we come to a door. Just a plain wooden one, that wouldnt catch the eye of anyone walking by it, but Izuku stops, looks around and proceeds to open it and walk in. Hesitating for a moment, I walk inside what looks to be a bar. The most wanted villains in the world can be seen talking amongst themselves, and dont even notice our entrance. "Shhhhhhhh" Izuku says to me before disappearing from sight.

Before I know it someone is yelling "BOO!" And two of the villains jump in fright. The one known as Dabi immediately turns around toward open air and proceeds to shout at no one. "You damn bastard! I'm going to fry you one of these days! Come out before I get mad!"

"Okay, Okay. Dont get your panties in a wad human torch." Izuku materializes directly in front of Dabi, who reaches out and tries to grab him. Skipping away Izuku makes his way behind me, and that's when I feel it. The stares of the worlds most dangerous villains. All of them on me.

"What is he doing here?" Shigaraki says leaning back against the bar.

"New recruit!" Izuku says simply before leaving me and going to his side. As soon as he makes it over there Shigaraki grabs him and pulls Izuku in front of him.

"I see. Well we shall get him a tracker for now and see where this goes. You know the drill if he betrays us, right Izuku."

"Yes." Izuku looks me square in the eye and says in the most frightening voice I have ever heard from him. "If he betrays us, it means death." Smiling wickedly from behind Izuku, Shigaraki nods.

"Yes, now let's get this fellow a tracker." He nods at Dabi who comes up to me and grabs me by the arm.

"Come on. It's this way, Shouto."

"How do you know my name?" I question as he begins to pull me away.

"Simple. We were keeping an eye on you to see if you would become a threat. If you had we would have had Izuku eliminate you." He casually shrugs while I stop in shock. The way these people talk about killing and death is slightly scary. None of them care for human life and they dont seem to be the least bit worried about having to kill one of their own. I continue to think as we begin to walk again, but I'm pulled back to reality when I hear Shigaraki speak from behind us.

"Welcome to the League of Villains Shouto Todoroki." The eeriness in the way he says it immediately sets me on edge. Its a welcome and a threat all mashed into one sentence. And with that Dabi and I walk out of the room, and start wandering down a series of long, dark hallways.

We eventually come to a door. A black Door and we enter once we are given permission. "Be careful kid. If you are playing us then this guy will know and you wont ever see sunlight again." And with that Dabi turns and leaves, leaving me with the strange and terrifying man sitting at the desk.

"Hello, Shouto. It's a happy occasion when someone else joins the League. Now come, let me see those memories you have hidden in your head." I looked at him in shock, but did as he said.

"Sir, who are you?" I ask hesitantly.

"I am All for One." Stunned I take a step back and only one thought runs through my head.

Just what have I done?

A/N- Soooooo suprise! Not as long as my normal chapters, but I had a little time on my hands today and whipped this together. Tell me what ya think! Love ya faces!!🤗

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