What an Entrance

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A week had passed since Kacchan's display of his anger and things had been quiet. Knowing he had something truly exciting planned, I just waited patiently. Although, waiting patiently has never been my strong suit so after I had just lounged around for a day or two, dying of boredom, I decided to check up on the little cutie we caught at the bar with Aizawa following behind.

Wandering down the hallway with Aizawa behind me I admire the artwork and decor of the palace. To be honest I've never really looked at all the paintings hanging up or the various treasures we have scattered around. However, now that I'm looking I've got to say I'm impressed. Paintings of the takeover and a multitude of bloodbaths are hanging proudly on the walls, while souvenirs of deceased heros are scattered around on display. Not all are from heros however, some are from villains who fell trying to make what the world we live in today happen. None I was really all that familiar with but we still honor those who had fallen. "You know, this is somewhat depressing if you think about it." I turn my head slightly so Aizawa knows I'm speaking to him.

He quickly catches up and walks directly beside me so I can see what he signs. "What is?"

"The bloodbaths in the paintings and the various items belonging to dead people. Kind of creepy, if I do say so myself."

"You just noticed that now?" He laughs silently before looking at me with twinkling eyes. His eyes nowadays hold a mischievous look in them and these last few days  he's been more talkative and lively. Maybe getting out of the castle was a good thing for him, or it could be because of the hero down in the dungeon, that seems to be making significant progress. We had visited just yesterday and the poor hero's mind had already begun to break. Looking at his poor cut up body only made me feel satisfaction and I could tell it had excited Aizawa. Probably because he would have a friend around. As I had looked at him I had pondered whether or not to take his vocal cords as we had with Aizawa but ultimately decided against it. His quirk was reliant on those cords so if I took them away he would essentially be no use to me. Then there would be no need to keep him around. Being pulled out of my thoughts by Aizawa tapping my arm I reply quickly.

"Yes, yes I just noticed it now. I've always been busy hunting rebels or causing chaos so noticing what hung on the walls was not my first priority." Chucking to myself I ruffle his hair as we come to a stop in front of Shouto's door.

Knocking lightly I wait for a second before opening the door when I receive no answer. Once I walk in I hear a squeak and immediately turn to the source of the sound. Lounging to the side of the room in a chair big enough to fit three people is Shouto and Denki, who is currently seated on Shouto's lap. "Oh ho ho, am I interrupting something?" I tilt my head to the side with a smirk and Denki blushes red as a tomato.

"N-No!" He stutters out flustered before pulling himself off of Shouto and bowing to me. "Welcome your highness, would you like to have a seat?" His voice is formal and I can't help but smile at this adorable little bean.

"No I won't be staying long. Just came to check on you and see if you were behaving correctly." I waltz right up to Denki and grab his face lightly taking in his new appearance. Toga has obviously been here and it showed, but In a good way. After all I did tell her she could come play. His hair that was once as yellow as a dandelion was now as black as night. The black lightning bolt that was so delicately placed in his hair was now yellow. A simple change in colors but effective in giving him a more menacing and edgy appearance. His eyes however still held light and innocence in them, making me want to torment him until they showed despair and madness. I managed to hold myself back from sweeping him away and speeding up the process to get what I wanted, and decided that he would eventually end up like that on his own.

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