Damn that Todoroki

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After that first physical training class, I noticed All Might lingering around me more often. It seemed whenever I would go off on my own, however rare that was, he was always somewhere in the vicinity. He always did mundane things like; look at pictures of past years on the wall, or pretend to be sweeping when he followed me. It was quite obvious he was suspicious of me. Just the way he talked to me would make anyone with half a brain suspicious.

So as I went to the bathroom today by myself, after having convinced my four guardians that I wouldn't die on the way there, I decided to test to see if he was really watching me. I was walking along the hallways and as soon as I noticed him from the corner of my eye, I ran around the corner quickly and pressed myself against the wall. Sure enough, he comes barreling around the corner in search of me. When he notices me standing there with a smirk on my face he tries to make up some kind of excuse.

"Oh young felix, I didnt see you there. I thought I saw a rat run around this corner. Can't be having rodents in the school." He chuckles slightly as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh, well, did you find the rat? Cant have it getting away and causing mischief can you? Have to always keep a strict eye on it." I innocently bat my eyes and smile while his eyes narrow at my words. "You know Mr.All Might maybe you have led yourself to believe you have rats in the school, when there aren't any at all? Maybe chasing villains all these years has made you chase phantom beings that aren't really there? Or maybe they are? How would we know when we cant see them?" I grin wider when he hears my words.

"How would you know anything of these phantom beings?" He asks crossing his arms over his chest.

"Im just saying you never know. Our Sensors and the crazy devices we have nowadays wont always be 100% accurate. They could lead you astray." I shrug my shoulders and begin to walk away. "If you would excuse me, I need to tinkle and get back to the others before they think I died." I wave at him over my shoulder and giggle to myself, pulling out my phone to make sure none of my guardians have texted me. I've learned while sneaking around the school before, that if I dont reply within a minute to them they start a search party. Kacchan is surprisingly the one who leads the party. I never would have suspected it before. However, yesterday he told me I remind him of the old midoriya before he went to the villain side. He said was very mean to him and he thinks that may be why things turned out the way they did, and that he wanted to protect me at all costs because of it.

After he had told me this and then yelled about how he wasnt a a mushy wimp and stomped off, I had laughed. A real belly laugh with tears mixed in. Little did he know he had just told his inner most thoughts to the one person who probably shouldn't have heard them. After I had laughed for a solid minute, I had broken down into sobs. He had tormented me so much as a child that I had hated him, and now that I'm a bad guy he decides to protect some weakling that reminded him of me!?

Urakaka had found me shortly after Kacchan had left, sobbing on the floor, and tried to get me to tell her what was wrong. I hadn't of course and it had made her so worried that she had told the rest of the gang. Everyone had come up to me to try and get me to tell them what was wrong, but having no luck they eventually let it go. After that everything had resumed as usual.

Lost in my thoughts, I didnt realize I had made it back to the classroom. When I came back to the present I was standing in front of the closed door, staring at it. From behind me someone says, "Are you going to go in to get something or are you just going to stand there all day?" Jumping violently I whip around to face Shouta Todoroki. I had been avoiding him since he had exposed me last time. It was even better that Kacchan didnt like him because he tried to keep me from him. "Hello, are you just going to stand there staring blankly at me or are you going to say something?" He rudely questions.

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