Suspicions arise

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Deku's POV

The following days after Mineta's untimely and horrific death mayhem ensued. The students were afraid of each other and the teachers were scrambling to find the hidden villian amongst us all. Kacchan didn't come to school for the first week after his parents murder, but I kept tabs on him...just in case. I enjoyed seeing the panic in everyone's eyes, but there was one slight problem.

I am currently finding myself the number one suspect of being a villian. Granted they are one hundred percent right but i can't let them know that. I pretend to know nothing about it. So, Here I am sitting in the principles office with the number one hero and my teacher being questiomed.
"Izuku, I'm sorry to call you here so suddenly, but with Mineta's death we have to question every person who may be a suspect." Principle Nezu says while All Might and Mr.Aizawa stand beside him.
"It's alright sir. I know it must be suspicious with me being around and all..." I sigh looking down at my scarred hands.
"Good, so where were you the day Mineta died?"
Geez, what a stupid question, I think to myself.
"I was in class all day, and after class I went back to the dorms." I casually leave out the part where I left school grounds and murdered Kacchan's family, but whatever.
"I see. I see." Nezu states. He continues to question me and I continue to give him the vaguest details possible. I can't let my cover be blown quite yet. I was having too much fun. The day was fast approaching where I would be revealed for a villian, and it would be amazing. I just can't wait to see the looks on all my classmates faces as I kill them slowly. Just thinking about it makes me shiver.

I am eventually let go because they can't pin me with anything unusual. As I breathe a sigh of relief I start heading back to my classroom. The hallways were quiet and my footsteps echoed throughout them. I listen to my own steps until I get to the classroom door. As I walk in I'm met with an interesting scene.

Everyone is crowded around one desk, and only hushed whispers can be heard from the door. Not knowing what was going on I walk up and ask Iida Tenya who is leaning against a desk a little ways away.
"Hey. What's happening?" I question
"Midoriya! You scared Me! Oh Katsuki is back. All the girls are making sure he had everything he needs and asking how he's handling everything." Well, isn't this a lovely suprise, I think to myself as I start walking towards the crowd.
"I'll go ask too, since him and I are childhood friends." I chuckle and wave to Iida. I shuffle my way through the small throng of people until I'm right in front of the desk. Squatting down where my head is resting on the desk I ask in the most innocent way I can, "How are you doing Kacchan? Do you need anything? You know you can always come to me for anything."
I see him visibly flinch from my voice before his eyes snap to mine. I giggle as I watch as the eyes that were once filled with anger and hatred, fill with fear and betrayal. I don't get an answer so I stand up and lean towards him and whisper. "I asked how you were doing Kacchan. Don't make me angry this quickly. Who knows what could happen."
"I'm fine, totally fine." He responds quickly
"That's more like it. I love the quick responses." I whisper this last thing in his ear and quickly peck him on the cheek as a joke. As I turn to walk away, I look over my shoulder and say, "Just let me know if you need anything Kacchan." With a blinding smile I go sit Down at my desk, leaving everyone confused on what had just happened.

Days passed as the lessons became more and more grueling. Teaching all the students how to fight against villians and how not to die when they met one. These people may have morals, but us villians definately did not. We had made our hero outfits and while everyone else's was flashy, I made mine simple. It was simply a white shirt, with a black vest, green tie, black dress pants, and black leather gloves. Of course all of these things were laced with special fibers to make them impossible to tear, and also super protective. What these poor heros didn't know was that they had willingly given me an outfit that could outstand any of their attacks. The villians next plan hinged on that and the day where everything would come to light was fast approaching.

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