The War Begins

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I walk swiftly, yet quietly, behind the others making sure I don't fall behind, and begin listening to the sound of our feet on the ground. The steady rhythm of the noise soothes my anxiety from being outside the castle in what seems like forever. I've made a few trips into the city here and there but never made it very far before the whispers and cold stares of the citizens make my anxiety spike and force me to run to the castle. Listening to the clomp of our boots I notice Izuku glancing back every now and then to make sure I'm still there and every time we lock eyes he smiles warmly at me. He truly is my savior. Ever since the day he waltzed into that accursed dungeon where I was being kept and tortured, he has become my light and I will follow him to the ends of time. I know he sees me as nothing more than a pet, but that doesn't bother me in the least since I can stay by his side. He even allowed me to live with him! I know for a fact Shigaraki despises that since he has told me on several occasions, and I also know he would be happy to dispose of me if I ever betray Izuku. Not that, that would ever happen. I wonder if Izuku will ever see me as a friend. He refers to us as good friends but then again I see the way he looks at me, like a puppy. Maybe if I continue to show my worth he will think highly of me!

As I'm lost in thought I vaguely notice that we have exited the castle, over the bridge and are currently coming to the village. Yes I said village but I suppose that's not the correct term. The "village" as all the royals call it is actually a rather big city. After the villains leveled everything and rebuilt, they made sure there was enough housing for the citizens. Skyscrapers touch the sky , glistening in the sunlight. The streets are clean but have villains constantly patrolling so they don't give off a safe feeling, and in every housing building villains are stationed to take care of any trouble makers. However, after the rebuild Everyone was housed based on their job and status within the hierarchy. Families were torn apart, children separated from parents, and all because that is the way All for One wished it. Funny how when the top cheese dictates how things will go the sheep fall in line easily, yet begrudgingly in this case. "Aizawa!" A sudden scream jolts me out of my thoughts and sight seeing, and in front of me stands my savior.

I immediately give him my full attention and sign, "I'm sorry I was lost in thought. What's wrong?" After I finish signing he chuckles with his melodic voice, while everyone besides him looks annoyed. As per Izuku's orders everyone in the castle was forced to learn sign language for me. Some learned it all the way to where they were fluent and could hold a conversation easily and some only learned it enough so that I was able to communicate. However, all of the people here can sign fluently and have no issues understanding me.

"I was just making sure you were okay silly, but since you didn't respond to me the first couple times I called you I had to yell. I'm sorry did I hurt your ears?" Izuku questions while grabbing the side of my head gently. I can see Shigaraki in the background clenching and unclenching his fists. He doesn't much care for, or rather he absolutely despises, Izuku touching me in any shape or form. Backing away out of Izukus touch I go to sign back when his eyes flash red. Letting out a silent squeak I lower my head and wait for punishment. "I'm sorry, did you just back away from me?" The deathly calm in his voice tells me I just fucked up majorly, and I begin to shake. Quickly nodding my head yes, I wait to be hit but all that happens is Izuku closing the gap and pulling my head up. "Did I startle you that much?" He questions quietly, grabbing my face on both sides and stroking my hair.

"No! I just... I'm just hot!" I sign quickly, trying to come up with a valid excuse. Izuku looks me in the eyes for a few moments before accepting my answer.

"Alright. I'll believe you...this time. Now, we are about to enter the bar that this so called rebellion is calling their base so be prepared to cancel quirks. We don't know what we are walking into. And if you see the people we have discussed before, capture them." After my nod, he pats me on the head and leans in Close enough to whisper, "We will talk about you backing away from me when we get home." Shakily I nod my head and let out the breath I had been holding when he turns to walk back to the front of the group. However, before he gets all the way around he shares a meaningful look with Shouto as Shouto steps behind me, as if to box me in. I wonder if they think I'm going to run. Why would I do that? I would never betray Izuku!

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