Hide and Seek

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Deku's POV

The hospital smelled like antiseptic, and death. The hero who brought me here had excused himself to make some phone call, but he wouldn't tell who he was calling. I assumed it was my mother, so needless to say I was surprised when my former idol All Might walked in.
"Young Midoriya, I am so very happy to see you alive. I am horrified to see all the scars and can only imagine what you have gone through. We will catch the hideous villians who have done this to you. Never fear, for I am here!" I stared at my former hero and idol with an emotionless expression. His words mean nothing to me anymore. He keeps rambling about random things, and I stop listening until he says something that stops my heart. "I am sorry to say this Young Midoriya but your mother has passed away. She could not handle the stress and heartbreak of losing you, and unfortunately she killed herself due to the depression. I am truly sorry."

Frozen I don't know how to respond. I should be more heartbroken than I am but being desensitized to death, I just can't seem to care. I pretend though, and cry into my hands. All Might wraps me in a hug and All I hear through my fake sobbing is him saying, "it will be alright my boy. It will be alright."

After I had calmed down I look up at him and say with conviction, "All Might, I want to go to UA and become a hero. A hero that can catch those villians and make them pay for what they have done."

"Alright my boy, we will make that happen." He nodds and sits down in a chair near me. It seems the great All Might doesn't remember me. Doesn't remember the quirkless boy who had asked if he could be a hero, only to have his dreams shot down. "This may work out better than I could have ever imagined." I think to myself.

After i had left the hospital and gone home, i prepared for the next part of the plan. I trained as hard as I had with the villians and I waited. Waited until the day of the entrance exam. Waited for the day that I could show everyone who looked down on me as a child how strong I was now. And that day finally arrived.

The entrance exam was hard for some, but rather easy for me due to phantom. I would just go into my spirit form anytime a robot got near me and take it apart from the inside. After that I would materialize on top of the robot so I would get the points. I even saved a girl with my quirk because she was trapped under a downed robot, with one coming towards her.
"Thanks so much! I owe you one now!" She yelled as she ran off to continue the exam.

"Your welcome i guess." I mumble to myself while thinking, "Honestly I would have rather let you die. One less future hero for me to deal with, but oh well. Gotta continue to act like a goody goody." I finished the exam and went home to wait for the results. I knew I was going to get in but the wait still sucked.

And so some time passed. I had gotten in UA with flying colors and managed to land myself in the hero class. And today was the first day of class. I had already moved into the dorms and was currently getting ready in my dorm room. I put on my UA uniform, complete with my tie and my red converse, and grab my bag and head out.

As I get to the classroom I notice that no one is there yet. "Guess I'm really early, oh well." I think to myself as I sit in a seat near the back that I have claimed as my own. I sit there and doodle in my notebook to pass some time, and shortly I hear the most annoying voice I've heard in this past year.
"HEY SHITFACE! What the hell do you think you're doing here, huh!? How did you even manage to get into this class you quirkless bastard!"

"Oh hey Kacchan, how have you been? Great I assume since you are still your loud, annoying self." I drawl without even bothering to look up. I knew that pissed him off because before I could even blink he was slamming his hands down on my desk.

"What did you just say to me shit-for-brains?! Do you even realize who you are talking to!? I'll kill you." He yells.

"Oh I doubt that Kacchan. I mean we are all here to be heros after all. Wouldnt want to ruin that chance, now would we?" I say while finally lifting my head to smirk at him. His face is red as a tomato and his eyes hold murder. He would make a fantastic villian, if only he didn't have that stupid dream of being a hero. I think to myself while staring into those eyes.

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