Silence is a Broken Man's Worst Enemy

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It was fine for awhile. The silence. The darkness. The weightlessness. I felt like I was floating on a cloud in the dead of night where no sound could reach. It wasn't bad, boring but not bad. That was until I started hearing things.

The things I heard couldn't have been there. I couldn't have actually heard them because in my mind I knew that no sound could reach past the headphones. I know because I tested it. After awhile of sitting in the darkness and silence I began wondering if I could make myself hear anything outside the headphones,so I screamed. As loud as I could and I know  for a fact everyone heard me. Everyone except for me that is. Even screaming until my throat hurt didn't penetrate the silence the headphones had trapped me in. I even tried escaping the bindings but that proved futile as well, and no matter how I pulled or twisted I couldn't get out. So after a while I gave up. I just laid there humming softly to myself, even though I couldnt hear it. That was until I heard the first whisper of a sound.

A soft chirp of what could only be a rat and the sound of it scittering across the floor. At first I tried to ignore it but it only grew louder until it sounded like it was on the bed with me. After that more sounded until the chirping of the rats were all I could hear. Granted, in my mind I knew this couldn't actually be happening and that my senses were tricking me, but that didn't abate the panic. The panic of getting bit and eaten by rats while being tied down. Once that thought crossed my mind , the first bite was felt. I jumped and tried to twist away but the feeling of being bit over and over again by a swarm of rats wouldn't go away.

I twisted and jerked but never being able to escape the sensation left me crying. Tears wet the blindfold and once they started to flow I gave up. Body limp I just let the pain of being bit engulf me. Slowly but surely though, my mind moved from the rats onto memories. Memories of the past, from being beaten up every day when I was young to when I became the prince of this world. Every event rolled past my mind like a movie. Every person I tortured, every family I destroyed, and every friend I betrayed.

After awhile it changed. It was no longer who I was torturing or hurting, but me being in the place of those people. Soon events that led others to become unstable were happening to me. The one that stuck with me and played on repeat was the torture of Aizawa. Granted I had never been present when he was tortured, but Toga had given me explicit details on what she had done. Details that my deprived mind was using in the worst possible way.

It began with me sitting strapped to the chair and Toga standing over me giggling like a maniac. Grabbing a knife she leans over me lightly bringing it down my cheek all the way to my collar bone. Not having been hard enough to actually make a cut, it simply leaves fear in my body for what is too come. After that is only a whirlwind of pain. The slashing, the pulling off fingernails and the digging of various objects to cause the most pain possible. This isn't real, this isn't real. The thought rolls through the back of my mind like a broken record while the agony wracks my body.

My mind had been deprived of outside stimulation for too long I suppose because when the distorted scenes had started, the pain I felt in them was real. Everything hurt and the little things I said in the back of my very messed up mind to keep me sane, soon dissolved into nothing. I was left in a sea of pain and all it did was repeat. Over and over again, the scenes played out and the worst pain of them all was when Toga ripped my vocal cords out. No longer being able to talk or  make any type of noise devastated me.

Honestly I don't know how long I had laid there with those thoughts as my only company but eventually the blind fold was removed. Blinking my eyes open slightly, Kacchan fills my vision as he looks down at me. Seeing him I simply attempt to tilt my head to the side questioningly. Taking the headphones off he narrows his eyes and asks, "Are you ready to tell us about the villains?"

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