Destroying Friendships

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"Zuki?" My voice cracks slightly and I can't keep the stunned expression off my face. Holding Izuku by the upper arms I watch as his face contorts in first confusion and then fear. He tries to pull away from me but holding on tight I pull him closer. "Zuki? Is that you? We've been looking everywhere for you!" Tilting his head to the side I see no recollection of who I am.

"I'm sorry sir. My name is Izuku not Zuki." He signs quickly before sighing and dropping his hands. Shoulders sagging in defeat he looks helplessly at me before gesturing to his throat before shaking his head. Laughing quietly to myself I slowly let go, remaining poised to grab him in case he bolts, and sign back.

"I know what your name is Izuku. I'm Shoto. Don't you remember me?" Eyes lighting up with my signing he bounces slightly in place, the fear previously present vanishing.

"Nice to meet you! I can't say I do although I feel as if I should know who you are." The adorable expression that crosses his face warms my heart.

Grabbing his hand gently I turn toward Denki and smile widely. "The prince is back." Izuku tilts his head to the side when his eyes fall on Denki. He stares for a moment before his eyes glaze over and he seems not to be present. Watching him closely he suddenly grabs his head and lets out a silent scream. Startled I grab onto his arms and ask somewhat panicked, "What's wrong Zuki? Hey talk to me."

After a few moments of no reply and silent panting he lifts his head up and locks eyes with Denki. "Hey Denki. How's life been in the castle? Still got that collar on?" Startled I watch as Denki touches his collar briefly while his face drains of all color. Feeling a tug on my hand I look down at Izuku and see his large green eyes staring through my soul. "I'm sorry about your father and what I did. I shouldn't have forced you into this life."

"Wh-what?" His eyes begin to water as he lowers his head. However, his grip on my hand only tightens before he starts floating slightly off the ground. Tilting his head up to look into his eyes I have the sudden urge to ask, "why do you care? You got what you wanted in the end. The Izuku I know would never apologize for the things he has done. So why are you?" He laughs hoarsely at my question before knocking his knuckles against his head.

"I don't remember anything before I was with Kacchan. I don't know what kind of person I was from before, but with the visions or memories that are slowly popping up I was truly evil." He shrugs his shoulders slightly before turning to where he floats upside down. "I'm still not sure why I left the hideout to begin with, but I had this compulsion to know what was inside that castle. And I have people I need to get back too."

Stunned I stay silent as he finishes telling me what's happened to him. Glancing at Denki I can see he is just as confused as I am. Once I get over my shock I come to realize that we are still standing in the middle of town and people are starting to stare. Not at me or Denki but at the lost prince, who has miraculously appeared in nothing but some loose shorts and a bunny T-shirt. No shoes and no weapon. Watching the people stare I notice the hostility and malice in their eyes, but also the hesitation to do anything with me present. Coming to the conclusion we need to evacuate the premises I quickly grab onto Izuku's hand, wrapping his arms around my neck before striding off in the direction of the castle. Hearing a sigh from him I turn my head slightly so that I can lay eyes on the small green haired boy. His eyes are closed and he seems worn out from the events of today. Worried that he may not remember the rest of the villains I quickly take my phone out and send a text to everyone.

Found Izuku. His memory is missing and he doesn't remember any of the time before Katsuki kidnapped him. We are headed back to the castle now.

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