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Deku's POV

As I'm walking back through the hallways I hear foot steps behind me. The footsteps are loud and are coming fast, indicating that the owner of the footsteps is running. Sighing, knowing who It is I quickly change into my spirit form, and wait for them to catch up. Although, they won't be able to see me. Low and behold Kacchan comes barreling around the corner out of breath.
"Come out you bastard, I know you're here. There's no way you got away." He huffs out between breaths. I wander up to him, and touch his chest before turning solid again.

"Is there something you needed from me Kacchan?" I question sweetly.

"You bastard. You killed him didn't you!? How did you even manage to do it!? Oh man I've got to tell the heros." The last part was mumbled to himself but I still heard it loud and clear.

"Woah now, let's not get hasty. Do you really think it is a good idea to tell the heros something you have no proof of?" I question while getting ready to use Contract to keep him quiet. "I would say if you intend on telling then there are going to be some consequences."

"Like what? There isn't anything you can do to me that will make me not tell the heros." He says smugly.

"Oh, on the contrary, I have several ways to keep you quiet. Like for example; I could take you to the villians, kill you here and now, or my favorite one, I can kill your mother and father." I say smiling and getting in his face. I tilt my head to the side so he can only see one eye, the other covered by my hair. "So which will it be Kacchan?" I sweetly ask.

"You can't even get to my mom and dad, and there is no way you could beat me in a fight. Youre just bluffing" He says smugly while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh am I now?" I laugh maniacly. "Well by all means, let's play." As I'm about to turn into my spirit form again something stops me. A thought just appeared in my head. Kacchan didn't even blink when I said I could take him to the villians, and he wants to tell the heros about me but he has no proof...Oh that sly little fox...
"Kacchan, do you hate me?" I ask

"Hell ya I do you bastard." He looks confused at my question, but that answer was all I needed.

"Kacchan, empty your pockets and hand me whatever device you are recording this conversation on." As I speak the command I see his eyes glaze over and he immediately does as I command. As he pulls out a recorder from his pocket I grin. Who knew that he was this sneaky. Trying to get me to expose myself for what I did.
"All done" I say as he starts to come back to his senses. I hold up the device he just handed me and he looks utterly appalled.

"BASTARD, how did you get that! What did you do to me!?" He yells and questions.

"Oh it's simple, I knew something was off when u didn't even blink when I said I was part of the villians. I mean I admitted it so casually and it didn't bother you. That's when I figured something was up. So I decided to go by my hunch and look at what we have here." I press play and can hear every word of the conversation we just had. I shut off the recorder, lay It on the ground and crush it under my shoe. As I bring my foot up again to make sure the device is shattered I look at Kacchan.
"You sly little fox! I was going to give you a choice on whether or not you or your parents would die if you told the heros, But I don't think I should anymore. After all Kacchan, you've made me very angry." My eyes flash blood red and stay that way.

"Wh-wh-what do you mean you bastard?" He hesitantly asks me,all the while taking a step back.

"I mean we are going to play a game. A game where if you aren't fast enough your parents die. I'm going to head over there and I'm going to kill them. All the while I suppose you should hope that you're fast enough to save them. You ready? Let the games begin." Without another word or wasted second I turn into my spirit form and fly towards Kacchan's parents house. Let's see who's fastest, eh Kacchan? I chuckle to myself knowing who the fastest one is.

It took Katsuki about 15 minutes more to finally show up at his parents house, and what greeted him was quite a sight. Standing in his living room is me, covered in blood brandishing a hunting knife, and the bodies of his parents. His parents unfortunately had passed only a couple minutes before he arrived. I had wanted them to be able to exchange some last words with him, but oh well.
"Kacchan glad you could make it. Although, you're a little tardy to the party. I was hoping you would make it before these two kicked the bucket, but alas you were just too slow." I start to walk towards the frozen boy making bloody footprints in the carpet on the way.
"You know, these two put up quite the fight once they realized I was here to end their lives. Almost had me beat a time of two. I was very impressed. But why is it that their son is such a disappointment? I mean you couldn't even beat me here." I start to giggle once I make it to him. I reach up to him, as he looks at me in utter shock and fear, and wipe his parents' blood on his face.

Suddenly, he pushes me away from him like he had just managed to pull himself from the shock. I look down at his hands and see them shaking. From anger? Or from fear? I think as I stand there casually holding my knife to my side.
"You fucking bastard. I'm going to tell all the heros about you and there is nothing stopping me!" He yells as he sends an explosion towards me. I easily dodge as he continues to try and blow me up.

"Why are you so upset Kacchan? I don't get why this would be such a shock or so upsetting? You shouldn't have made me angry and this wouldn't have had to happen." I sigh as I stand completely fine.

"THAT WAS MY PARENTS! HOW COULD I NOT BE ANGRY AND UPSET!!!" He yells quite hysterically. I even see a vein popping out on his neck he's yelling so loud. "I'm going to tell the heros everything and then I'm going to kill you. Even if it kills me in the end." He says with conviction

As I get ready to respond back to him I hear a peculiar sound. A sound that should not be present, and it's coming from his mother. I hear a shallow breath come from his mother and then a small cough. I perk up because this is so much better than I could have imagined. I walk over to her and turn her over with the toe of my shoe and look down at her face. Sure enough she weakly glares back at me.
"Looks like you don't have much time left." I giggle. I bend down and pull her up and hold the knife I'm still holding to her throat. "I would say your last goodbyes Kacchan. I guess I didn't kill her all the way considering I only stabbed her. I'll make sure to get it right this time. Say goodbye." As I say those last words I quickly slit her throat deep enough that I know she is going to die this time. Katsuki frantically runs to his mother and tries to stop the blood, as I stand back and watch.

"Please don't leave me, please don't leave me." He repeats these words until he can no longer feel her breathing and her heart stops. He then starts sobbing into her chest, getting covered in blood in the process.

I watch the scene with glee, until I hear the faint sound of the sirens of cop cars. Guess my fun is over. Time to finish this and make sure he can't tell anyone what has happened, I think as I walk towards Katsuki.
"Kacchan, do you hate me?" I ask sweetly

"Yes." He doesn't even look up at me as he gives me the answer.

"Good. Now this is what I need you to do." I say as I activate Contract. "You will not tell any hero who did this. You will only tell the heros you came here and found them dead. Im leaving all of your memories up until this point intact so you can remember every detail of this. Maybe you won't make me angry anymore. Let's have a fun game Kacchan. One that lasts a very long time. Understood?" He nodds and As he comes back to himself he glares at me, knowing I did something but not knowing exactly what it was. He will find out very shortly. I think to myself as I hear a hero burst in the door. I quickly go to my spirit form and watch as the mayhem unleashes.

I watch as the hero asks Katsuki what happened and I giggle as I see Kachaan not being able to tell him anything except for what I told him to say. I see the panic and understanding in his eyes as he finally figures out what I have done to him. He doesn't know how exactly I did it but he knows I'm the cause. I full on laugh as I materialize behind the hero and wave goodbye to my precious Kacchan.

Back at the dorms I wash my body and dispose of the blood splattered clothes. As I finish up with my shower I hear my phone ringing on my beside table. I hurriedly go to pick it up knowing it can only be one person. Looking at the caller ID proves me right.
"Hello Shigaraki, what mayhem can I cause for you today?" As I listen I can't help but smile.

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