Tenative Peace Begins to Crumble

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Four years have passed since the demise of All Might, and the collapse of the hero society. After the villains took over and got the remaining heros under control by either killing them or forcing them to join us, the world became a peaceful place. Well, peaceful may be too much. It was wonderfully chaotic. Villains ran the streets and the citizens now worked in designated jobs depending on their quirk. All for One had created the world in his image. The original villains were high ranking in the world now. Dabi, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Toga and I were referred to as 'The Royals' and whatever we said went.

Toga took care of those who were traitors. We sent them down after their various crimes against our society and she played with them to her hearts content. Most of those poor souls expired before she was done playing and then I would hear about it later. She rarely leaves her dungeon nowadays and when she does it's because she hasn't gotten a play thing in a while.

Dabi and Shigaraki have stuck close to my side and we have been the ones taking care of all the little rebellions. Yes there was quite a few of them in the beginning, and no none of the participants survived. Here lately though, there hasn't been anything to shut down and it's been rather boring. At least that's what I thought until this morning.

I'm walking swiftly through the corridors of the castle trying to find my partners in crime. Yes, we built a castle for all the royals. It stands in the middle of the city and can only be described as gothic. Spires higher than any building, windows tinted as black as we could get them, and gargoyles on every corner. A moat runs around the entire perimeter and motion detecting sensors on all the windows and doors. All of this gives the castle the feeling of an impenetrable fortress, which is what we want. All of the royals reside here and Dabi and Shigi seem to hide in the secret passage ways, that were built in case of an attack, more times than not. So that's what I'm currently doing, checking all the passageways for them. Aizawa follows close behind, head down not saying a word. Since we ripped out his vocal cords he cant speak, but tends to stick rather closely to my side. Maybe it's because I'm the one who pulled him from the dungeon after several weeks, when he was on the verge of dying. Hes quite timid and skittish nowadays too and when something frightens him he grabs onto me and hides his face in my body. It doesnt bother me because honestly I find it cute. Kind of like a puppy.

So here I am wandering through this damn castle trying to find the two idiots that love to hide from me. Stopping for a moment I turn toward Aizawa, who looks at me hesitantly. Since he can no longer speak he either writes what he wants to say on a paper or signs. Once he makes eye contact with me he quickly bows his head and shuffles his feet nervously. I sigh lowly and snap my fingers, immediately gaining his full attention. "Have you any idea where those two are?" Since Aizawa and I communicate primarily through sign language I sign as i speak, knowing he can hear me just fine, but having gained the habit anyway.

Nodding his head and smiling slightly, he takes the lead. If I had known he knew I would have asked him twenty minutes ago. Watching him walk away I chuckle to myself when he turns to me after he gets a few steps away. Cocking his head to the side, he quickly signs, "Is everything okay?"

Laughing I sign and say, "yes yes everything is fine. I was just thinking." Running to catch up with him I'm struck with the realization that if any of the other servants or anyone lower than me had asked me something like that I probably would have ended their life. Seems since he sticks to me like glue, I've developed some fondness of him.

After a few minutes of walking he finally stops in front of a painting of All for One on his throne, and presses a hidden button on the edge of the frame. "Of course...Son of a bitch." I sigh as I look at the staircase that leads to the tower that we no longer use. Turning to Aizawa I see him hold his hand over his mouth while his shoulders shake in silent laughter. "Har har har." I chuckle while shaking my head. "Okay okay that's enough. Come on. We have work to do once we find those idiots." I grab him around the waist and use my telekenisis to fly us to the top of the stairwell, coughing along the way because of the dust from it being abandoned.

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