Memories Locked Away for Another Day

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It's been awhile since Izuku's failed escape attempt and slowly but surely he has become more compliant. His warning proved to be as fake as everything he says but it had kept us on edge for at least a week. Since his presence was revealed the citizens that were there seem to be more upbeat and dedicated. They believe we have an advantage now that he is our captive, but I'm not so sure. His behavior slowly started changing and over time he started to listen to commands and complying immediately instead of trying to fight. However, the strangest thing is he slowly stopped speaking. At first he just talked less than usual and then one day when I visited to try and pry information out of him he refused to speak. After that anytime we wanted to communicate we had him write his answers down. I'm visiting him today after not going by for a few days to see if he is willing to give me the information I need, although it's doubtful. He never reveals anything about the villains and I'm starting to lose hope that he ever will.

Walking into his room I find him sitting in the corner silently, reading whatever book Kirishima has given him and sitting on his blanket from his bed. We have stopped the sensory deprivation since it began to have some negative effects that we didn't anticipate. The muteness came from it, he lost weight because he refused to eat, and anytime we laid him down again he panicked and began hyperventilating. Once he even made himself pass out because of his panic. He also unfortunately began hurting himself so that when we tied him down he would have something to keep him in the present. So, we stopped and now he just sits confined in this room everyday, all day. He always sits and sleeps in the corner now, never getting close to his bed. Anytime his bed is mentioned in a conversation he gets nervous and retreats to the corner, not interacting with us for the rest of the day.

Shutting the door behind me, the click from it closing gains Izuku's attention. Looking up he examines me for a minute before recognition lights up his eyes, and he immediately closes the book and jumps to his feet. Wandering over to me he smiles brightly before herding me to the desk chair to sit, and proceeding to plop down on the floor in front of me. Chuckling to myself slightly at his odd, but now pretty usual behavior, I pull out a pen and paper setting it in front of him. "Izu, tell me about the villains. You know that's the only way you are ever going to get out of this room, don't you?"

His expression immediately falls for a second before hardening and he grabs the pen to write. "Protect." The one word he always provides us with when we ask for the villains whereabouts or any information pertaining to them. Sighing loudly I just nod my head and get up to leave, but before I can make it even a step Izuku scribbles down something else on the paper. "Go outside."

Staring down at the two words I look to him as if he's crazy before scoffing, "You think I'm going to let you outside when you won't even give me what I want?" My voice grows louder in disbelief and suddenly the door is being thrown open. Kirishima quickly scurries in to see what the trouble is and Izuku's eyes light up even more than when he sees me.

Jumping up he runs to Kirishima and drags him to the book by the corner, shoving it in his face. "I see! You really like that one don't you." Kirishima chuckles lowly before patting the smaller boy on the head. Turning to me he tilts his head questioningly before spying the paper on the ground. "Said something to make you mad did he?" His smile is infectious and I can't help the slight grin that twitches at the corners of my mouth before huffing dramatically.

"He wants to go outside but he won't tell me anything regarding the villains. Why should I let him when he refuses to give us information?" Crossing my arms I stare at Kirishima as he thinks before the unthinkable leaves his mouth.

"We should let him. He's going to start getting sick from deficiencies if we keep him locked in here forever. We will go with him of course, but some outside time and freedom may give him the push he needs." Mouth gaping open I just stare at the man who couldn't wait to kill Izuku just a short time ago, now defending him while casually letting Izuku clasp onto his arm. After a moment to compose myself I nod and look Izuku square in the eyes.

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