New Weapon to Fit New Look

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After my conversation with Shigaraki I made my way back into the cafeteria, and quickly found Urakaka. I walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder slightly making her squeal and turn around swiftly.
"Oh my gosh Felix! You scared me!" She said holding her hand over her heart.

"Oh... well.... I'm sorry." I lowered my head in shame

"Oh no hun. It's okay. I was just startled. I wasnt mad at you. Come on let's get something to eat" She grabs my hand firmly and starts to pull me along, all while the other three are behind us glaring daggers at me. They seem to be even more hostile than when I went to the restroom. Weird, if you ask me.

We make it to the lunch counter and I ended up getting grilled chicken with rice and some vegetables. After everyone had gotten their meals I was led over to a table in the corner.

"This should be a great place for us to talk and get to know each other." Urakaka says while sitting down. She pulls me into the seat right beside her and tucks me close to her, so she could protect me from some unknown danger. I'm pretty sure she sees me as a kid who can't take care of himself and it is totally fine by me.

"So why were you homeschooled all these years?" Kacchan says, jumping right into questioning me.

"Oh..well.. I was sick a lot as a kid and going to school wouldn't have been good for my health. At least that's what my dad says." I shrug picking up my fork and starting to eat.
"Why were you adopted?" He asks prying into things I wish he wouldn't.

"Well.... ummm... my parents were villains and I was taken away when I was a baby. After living in an orphanage I was placed with my foster dad who eventually adopted me." I say thinking on my feet.

"Oh... If I was you I wouldn't let other people know. Most of them would probably try and hurt you. We all hate villains. What about you?" Iida says jumping into the conversation. All four of them were looking at me expectantly so I just said what they wanted to hear.

"Of course I hate them. Who doesnt?" And with that the conversation ended and we ate our lunch in silence.

After lunch ended everyone, except Urakaka, made our way back into the classroom. She had said she had to go pick something up, but she wouldn't tell us what. Walking in, I immediately went to my seat, sat down and pulled out my books. As the boys walked up they looked extremely confused as to what I was doing.
"Felix, what are you doing? We have physical training next. We have to go change into our hero suits." Iida says starting to pack my things back into my bag.

"But he doesn't have a hero costume yet? What are we going to do about that." Kirishima questions scratching his head.

"He probably wont be able to participate until we can get one made for him. Probably better that way. The weakling would probably faint as soon as a battle starts." Kacchan laughs at his own words. I look down at my hands, and realize that Iida had packed all my things into my bag and was even holding it for me.

"I can carry that! I dont want to be a burden." I say reaching for my things. Just before I make contact with my bag Kirishima steps in front of me.

"Nope, he can carry it for a minute. We have to find something that can be a substitute costume, until we can get you a permanent one." He grabs my wrist and begins walking me out of the classroom, with the other two behind us. We open the door to the class and are startled to find Urakaka standing in the way with a pile of clothes in her hands.

"Oh good, I found you. I was worried everyone had already gone to change. Here Felix, these are for you. I drew them out when you first got here this morning, and I had the students in the costume department make them for you at lunch. I knew you wouldn't have a costume because you were homeschooled, so I figured I would help you get everything you need." She shrugs and blushes slightly while handing me the clothes. "I dont know if they will suit your personality but I think you will look really good in them."

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