Tying Up Loose Ends

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A couple days have passed after the demise of All Might. Citizens are too frightened to even leave their homes and the remaining heros are attempting to squash the villain uprising. Chaos reigns and heros are either defecting to the villain side to stay alive or dying in vain. Almost all of the hero organizations have been demolished in one manner or another. All for One is now heading all of the villain happenings and Shouto and I are in charge of tracking down hidden heros and their families.

However, right now Im currently sitting in between Shouto and Shigaraki at the bar, talking about mundane things while taking a break from hunting, when the door bursts open and several heros come running in. Suprised to say the least, but hiding it, I slowly stand up and ask, "May I help you with something?" No answer is given but Aizawa, who had evaded our sights and seems to have organized this little raid, grabs Shigaraki and I with his scarves instantly. In doing so he cancels our quirks, leaving us practically helpless. "Helloooo, Is there something we can help you with!?" I practically yell in his ear as he holds us close to his side. Looking over at Shigaraki, I can see the rage present on his face.

"Its okay now Todoroki. We have come to save you!" Aizawa spoke quickly and the remaining heros start to quickly usher him out the door. Confused he simply looks at me and shrugs, waiting for orders. Giving him a subtle nod, I mouth the word, "wait." He nods at me, letting me know he had understood and lingers at the doorway. The entire time the heros escorting him attempt to get him to leave, reassuring him he is safe now. If they only knew that they're the ones that arent safe.

"Oh my! This is fantastic." I laugh loudly at the absurdity of the situation. Aizawa just looks at me with confusion written on his face. "Oh my dear heros. He isnt kidnapped or forced to be here. Hes a villain." With that said Shouto freezes the two heros beside him.. Turning toward Aizawa he pauses a moment and stares.

"Put them down, and I will let you live....Maybe." His words are soft, but hold a dangerous edge to them. One look into his eyes and anyone can see he was deathly serious. Aizawa stands obstinately for a second before slowly putting me back on my feet. Smoothing my clothes out, I float around to face Aizawa.

"I have a proposition for you." I smile and wait for a response, but when none is given I begin to feel irritated. "Well, do you want to hear it!?" He sighs before nodding his head every so slightly. "Great! We will let you live....IF you join the villains, and tell us where the rest of the missing heros are. You see I'm in charge of finding them and its incredibly troublesome to have to find clues on where they are. I assume you heros have a secret organization and hideout now....Kind of like we did... Before the takeover that is." Smiling widely i watch as a multitude of emotions flash across Aizawa's face. As i wait for my reply I float over to the two frozen heros and run my fingers along the ice, admiring Shouto's work. Giving him a cheeky thumbs up I float back over to Aizawa to receive an answer. "So, what will it be?"

"No." Aizawa stands tall as he gives me his answer and I have to say I'm a tad bit disappointed. Sighing heavily, I bring my scythe to me quickly. Floating over to the frozen heros I slash through their bodies, watching as the severed pieces fall to the ground. After disposing of those two I turn toward Aizawa once more and then glance at Shouto.

"Take him down to the basement. I'll let Toga have him when she gets back. She has been in need of a new toy. Maybe after some fun Toga Time he will be more willing to join us. And if not, then we dispose of him like the others." Aizawa's eyes widen minutely at my words but before he has a chance to run Shigaraki places four of his fingers on Aizawas shoulder.

"I wouldnt do anything if I was you." Aizawa freezes and Shouto quickly grabs him and slaps quirk cancelling cuffs on him. We had stolen those little babies when we raided one of the hero organizations. After taking everything we needed, we had burned the building to the ground using Dabi and Shouto's flames.

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