Let it Burn

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I cant believe this. This one thought dominates my mind and I can do nothing as the person I saw as a friend twice disappears into a portal, blowing me a kiss before he vanishes. I stand in the same spot for what seems like eternity before being jostled by Kirishima. "Katsuki, we need to go back to where the others are. They may come back." His eyes are red and puffy from crying, and I can tell he's trying to be tough for my sake. I'm supposed to be the tough one. I'm supposed to be the one who doesn't break no matter what.

"Why? Just why did he do it? She adored him. We all did." My eyes tear up at the thought of carrying the body of my close friend back to the other students. Having to explain why she didnt make it and who did it to the others suffocates me. "I'm going to kill him. IM GOING TO KILL HIM!" I yell as loud as I can letting explosions loose from my hands. Not seeing where they land I look around.

The chaos that just a couple villains caused is massive. The forest is on fire and most of the trees that were aflame have disintegrated into nothing. Ashes cover the ground and fall from the sky. Overall there is a feeling of defeat and betrayal. "Bakubro....we have to go. They may come back and he WILL kill us if he finds us. The Midoriya you once knew growing up is long gone and in his place stands a phsycopath."

"Why did he end up like this though? What was so terrible that he decided it was best to kill people than to help them. That was his dream ever since we were small. TO HELP PEOPLE!" Tears finally fall as I shakily catch my breath. Kirishima and I are so wrapped up in our own despair that we dont notice two figures walking toward us.

"I believe that is my fault. I'm the one who told him he would never be a hero." We turn suddenly to see a man standing beside Aizawa. The man sounds suspiciously like All Might but he is skinny, almost sickly, and walks as if the weight of the world sits upon his shoulders.

"Who are you?" Kirishima asks while moving partially in front of me to protect me from an attack, should there be one.

"I am All Might. This is my original form. The form you always see is my quirk." Aizawa merely nods confirming what the strange man is saying.

"What do you mean, you're the reason?!" My voice starts rising into a scream before I'm shut down by a hand from Aizawa.

"I am the one who told him he couldn't be a hero. He asked me one day after I saved him from what seemed to be bullies and I told him there was no hope for him. I never would have thought he would have chosen to be a villain." I stare at the man that my friend had once looked up too and all that I feel is rage. Rage at this hero, who crushed Izukus dreams as if they were nothing. Rage at the situation we now found ourselves in. And rage at myself, for never seeing what I had been doing to him all those years ago. For never recognizing the signs that he was slipping away. Maybe if I hadn't been such a prick, he wouldn't have fallen so far.

Nothing is said between us until Kirishima asks the million dollar question. "What do we do now?"

"We take Urakakas body back to the class and call her parents. We as heros have failed to save another life and I can only imagine what it will do to the public's faith in us." Aizawa sighs heavily before heading over to pick up Urakaka. Racing ahead of him I grab her quickly and glare.

"I'll carry her. It's my fault she is dead anyway." Cradling her body to me closely I start to make my way back to the dorms and classrooms where we were staying. Nothing but silence encompasses our group as we wade our way through the destruction of what once was our training ground. "What about Todoroki?" I ask as we make it to the entrance of the building.

"We save him. Obviously he was tricked by the villains and is being held hostage." All Might says determinedly. "If we cant save Midoriya, we will at least save Todoroki." Doubts cloud my mind as I listen to him. He wasnt taken hostage. He joined them of his own freewill. But if we save him, I'll find Izuku.... and I'll kill him.

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