Prisoner of War

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I stare completely dumbstruck as Katsuki stands up straight and glances behind him. "Kiri come on." Kirishima soon joins him and immediately activates his quirk, becoming a human rock at the end. Not having been spotted yet I quickly use phantom and disappear, only leaving a pool of blood where I have been standing. Looking down I notice just how much blood lays on the floor beneath me and curse silently to myself. Shit! If I keep losing blood like this then I'm going to pass out from blood loss. After chastising myself on how stupid I was for protecting Aizawa instead of using my quirk, I see him slowly creeping through the shadows while Kacchan and Kirishima are arguing.

"Katsuki, I don't think we should be doing this. You just revealed the main reason why our rebellion has been doing so well." Kirishima seems slightly nervous and I can understand why. If they get caught they will most likely die. Okay, not most likely, there will be a public execution and everyone will be required to attend.

"We have to do something! They took present mic and Denki! We are going to get them back at least!" Kacchan's eyes have a determined look in them, making me shudder in excitement. After that Kirishima stays silent but I can see the worry in his eyes. "Don't worry so much, we have this under control. We have a plan and it will be executed smoothly." Katsuki reassures before glancing around.

Moving forward slowly I make my way behind the two to disable them for Aizawa, and end the fight before it even has a chance to begin. As I lift my hand to hit their pressure points and knock them out, pain shoots down my side making me gasp out loud. Hearing the voice both of my targets quickly turn around and start scoping out the area. Staying as silent as I can, I glance behind me noticing Aizawa has stopped moving and is hiding in the shadow of a pile of rubble. After a few moments, when I think we are in the clear, Kacchan looks down. On the ground is a small pool of blood, that has been continuously leaking from my wound. Honestly, I hadn't ever thought about them being able to see the blood even though I am invisible but now I silently curse myself for the lack of insight. "What's this? Kirishima are you bleeding?!"Katsuki's voice echoes off the walls as he turns toward Kirishima and begins inspecting him.

"Katsuki stop! I'm not bleeding!" Kirishima pushes Katsuki off as he is being patted down for wounds.

"Then who's is it?" They both stare at the blood and to my utter dismay another drop leaves my body and falls to the ground. They stand there silently, watching as drop after drop appear to be falling from nowhere. Knowing, I'm about to get revealed I start to slowly make my way away from the two before I hear Kacchan speak. "It took me a minute but I've figured it out. Deku! I know you're there."

Cursing to myself I watch as realization dawns on Kirishima and he immediately takes a defensive stance. Knowing the jig is up I slowly make myself visible again."Kacchan it's been too long! I was getting tired of waiting!" I throw my arms out to the side, ignoring the pain and act like my wound Isn't as bad as I think it is. "I heard you want Denki and Present Mic back. I'm sorry but I can't let that happen. You see, My good friend Aizawa wants Mic so he isn't lonely anymore and well, Denki has been taken in by Shouto. Honestly at this point I doubt Shouto would let u take him. Seems quite fond of the little bean." I giggle slightly as Katsuki's face turns red just before he blows another hole in the floor using All Mights power.

Launching myself backwards, I land safely out of reach but before I can launch my own attack a wave of dizziness hits me, making me stumble slightly. Shit, I've got to wrap this up fast. Where is everyone?! Hoping neither one saw my slip up I bring my scythe to me quickly and begin the fight. Disappearing in front of them, and then reappearing behind I swipe my weapon in a downwards motion, trying to lob of Kacchan's head. Kirishima quickly jumps in front of my blade deflecting my hit due to his ability. Landing on the ground softly I launch myself back once again when Kirishima tries to land a punch to my stomach.

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