Shit Just Got Real

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Deku's POV

We proceeded to the infirmary and the recovery girl checked me out. I continued to act like I was in shock until she finally released me a couple hours later so that I could return home. My friends had come to see me, but I didnt respond to them at all. Just started off into empty space. After being released by recovery girl, Shouto volunteered to take me home. He had shuffled me out of the room, down the hallways, and finally off campus, all the while holding my hand so I wouldnt get lost.

So, as we walk down the street toward the hideout, I continue to hold his hand until I feel we are a safe distance away. Finally letting go I sigh heavily and turn to smile widely at Shouto. "I think we effectively fooled them! Although my friends are going to be a nuisance."

"Well, just continue being broken until the time comes and we shall not have a problem." Shouto shrugs at my words and continues to walk in silence.

"Yeah, I guess you are right. Well I can use this to start shifting my personality slightly though. I'm tired of being timid and I can feel the persona I've been putting up until this point slowly cracking." We continue in silence after that, since he really isnt the talkative type. When we get a few blocks from the hideout I look at him sideways. "Hey." He glances over to me for a second, before seeing my smile and looking at my completely.

"Yes Midoriya?"

"Let's race. First one to the hideout wins!" I scream loudly and before he has a chance to respond, I disappear and take off. I glance behind me to see him finally comprehend my words and take off after me. I laugh out loud and push myself to go faster until I fly right through the door of the hideout.

I quickly make my way to the stool next to Shigaraki, plop down and make myself solid again. Everyone except Shigaraki jumps when I suddenly appear, but before anyone can utter a single word Shouto comes barreling in, in a whirlwind of ice. Ice effectively covers the walls and what is left of the door. Seems in his haste he blew the door clean off its hinges and into a million pieces. "I win!" I exclaim happily, clapping my hands.

"And just what did you win?" Shigaraki questions grabbing my hand in the process, and pulling me closer. I settle myself against Shigaraki's side before replying, much to everyone elses annoyance.

"The race! We raced here and I won."

"Because you cheated. You little shit." Shouto huffs at me, crossing his arms. He kicks a piece of the door, making it an icicle in the process, and proceeds to kick it harshly making it skim past my head barely missing. He stares at me with absolutely no regret in his eyes. Ignoring that incident I go about responding to him.

"Never said I play by the rules. Like duh!" I cackle maniacally before turning toward Shigaraki. "So there was another unfortunate death at school today." My eyes glow red and everyone just chuckles at my choice of words.

"And who met his untimely demise?" Dabi butts in using a posh english accent. I glare at him before flipping him off. He simply returns my dirty gesture and grabs Shouto, who is still standing in the middle of the room, and sits him down beside him. Raising my eyebrows at him, I give him my knowing look before turning my attention back to Shigaraki.

"Iida something or other. I dont rememeber the last name. He was one of my friends at school who was becoming suspicous.....sooooo. I crushed him to death." Shrugging my shoulders casually I look to see Shouto looking a tad nauseated.

"Ah, I see. Good job." I feel a hand my pat my head and turn back to Shigaraki giving him a death glare.

"Shigi. When am I getting out of there? This is killing me!" I dont really like complaining, but I feel like I've been at that school for ages.

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