Finally Home

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Eyes puffy and red I start my trek toward the castle, hoping no one I need to avoid finds me. Becoming transparent I keep one eye on the ground, looking for Denki, as I jump from building to building. Ice and fire explosions can be heard behind me and I know Shouto is fighting one of Kacchan's allies. Stopping for a second I turn and watch the destruction being caused by the fight before turning and continuing on my way.

As I close in on the castle I finally spot the black hair of Denki running through the streets as stealthily as he can. Dropping from the building I'm standing on, I land in front of him extracting a surprised squeak. Electricity shoots from his hands and I immediately disappear. Realizing it's me, his face turns bright red before he starts stuttering out an apology. "I-I-Im so so-sorry Zuki! I didn't mean to almost zap you!"

Becoming whole and visible again I smile widely before my eyes flash to red in my excitement. "That was amazing! Good thing I can go phantom or I would have been seriously hurt!" Finishing signing I clap my hands brightly before stopping suddenly. Phantom? How did I know that was what my quirk was called? Or is it? Shaking my head free from my thoughts I turn my attention back to the slightly cowering villain in front of me. "You know the way to the castle. Lead on."

Denki simply stares at me for a second, only to be jostled from his daze by me waving my hands for him to lead me. Face red again he quickly turns and mutters, "this way is the fastest." After that he takes off at a run to which I keep up easily with by floating. Watching the buildings pass and people scurry to and fro, I start to become nervous of what awaits for me in the castle. Will everyone be happy to see me? Will they even want me there or will I be cast out? What happens if I am? What will I do? Lost in my thoughts I don't notice until we are passing the front gate, and begin to make our way over the bridge. Butterflies flood my stomach and my body begins to shake from nerves. However, through the fear and nervousness that runs through my body, excitement lingers.

Finally making it to the door Denki stops for a second with one hand on the handle before asking, "Don't worry, everyone will be so excited and relieved to see you. They have been looking for you since you were taken." Smiling slightly I nod my head for him to go ahead before making my way inside.

As soon as I step into the front foyer memories flood my vision, bringing me to my knees: Standing by the window I watch a boulder come hurdling toward me before jumping out of the way taking the older black haired man with me. The man, no Aizawa, lays underneath me as I pull myself up and out of the rubble. Signing to him for a moment I stand up only to be assaulted with crippling pain in my side. Ignoring it I concentrate on the front door which has just blown open. Kacchan and Kirishima walk in and malice and excitement fills my body as I disappear. After that only snippets show themselves.

I dodge a boulder as it comes hurdling toward me, only to watch as it hits Kirishima head on. Hoping it killed him I turn my attention to the real threat, Kacchan.

Throwing an injured and defeated Aizawa through the door to the hallway I quickly use my telekinesis to build a wall of debris. Making sure that an enraged Kacchan couldn't kill my pet.

Laying on the ground I look up at the sadistic smile of Kacchan as he talks to Kirishima. Suddenly he reaches for me and pulls me into his body, holding me bridal style. After that several people run into the room. Some I recognize, some I don't yet. Shouto is there, along with Denki, Aizawa and Dabi. The other man with light blue hair I don't recognize but I can feel his dismay and pain at me being in Kacchan's arms. Afterwards Kacchan and Kirishima walk out taking me with them..

Coming back to myself I feel several pairs of eyes on me. Slowly looking up I'm met with familiar red eyes from the man in the vision. His blue hair covers his eyes slightly and he is resting his hands, with one finger off, on my upper arms. Smiling as soon as I meet his eyes he pulls me into a bone crushing hug that leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy. "I was so worried Zuki. Please don't ever get captured again! We have been looking everywhere for you!" Eyes wide I listen to him talk before smiling slightly and looking at everyone else around.

Dabi stands to my right holding back a girl with blonde hair who is trying desperately to reach me. Staring at her my brain finally conjures a name, Toga. Yes that's right! Smiling widely I wave only to be suddenly hit by a force on my other side. Stiffening and getting ready to fight I feel arms tighten around me in another hug. Glancing to the left I see the same man, Aizawa, clinging to me. Removing my arms from his constricting hug I laugh silently before returning it.

After a moment I manage to escape his arms and stand up, looking at the motley bunch of villains front of me. Happiness swells in my chest as I stare at them, and only a sliver of sadness from leaving Shinsou, Kacchan and Kirishima remains. "So, Zuki... What happened to you." The blue haired man asks cautiously.

Staying silent for a minute I try and think of a way to communicate before giving up and beginning to hesitantly sign. "I don't remember a lot. The memories are slowly coming back but my memory only begins with Kacchan and Kirishima. I have gotten back some of my memories with you guys in it though. I don't know who I was before being with Kacchan so I won't be the same as you remember me..." after I finish I watch as everyones eyes light up with understanding at what I'm saying. Disbelief rocks my body and I can't help quickly asking to confirm that they do indeed know what I'm saying. "You guys understand!?"

"Of course we do Zuki. You're the one who made us learn so we could understand Aizawa. He's mute because you had his vocal cords ripped out." Dabi nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders before turning his attention toward my paling face.

"Hey.. are you okay Zuki?" Togas voice pulls my attention to her momentarily before I turn toward Aizawa.

Walking quickly over to him I pull his scarves from around his throat only to reveal a nasty scar. Covering my mouth I hold in a silent cry and simply sign, "I'm sorry." His only response is to nod and smile before pulling my small frame into another hug. After a moment I get myself under control again and turn back toward the group.

"I'm sorry... I would like to lie down if allowed." Shocked looks meet my eyes and I simply tilt my head to the side questioningly.

"It's nothing babe. Let's get you to bed." The blue haired man quickly grabs my hand with four of his fingers before leading me away, down the hallways. Noticing another presence with us I turn and find Aizawa trailing behind. Before I can ask why he's following me the blue haired man pipes in. "You saved him when he was in the dungeons so he is quite loyal to you. He was lost  when you got captured, always filling me or Dabi around, so I'm guessing he won't leave your side for quite some time." Shrugging he just keeps walking as I glance once more behind me at the silent man.

Having caught his attention I wave friendly like to which he happily waves back. Shortly after we reach a set of doors revealing a large room. Wandering in I spot a bed with green and black sheets and immediately make my way to it, instinctively knowing it's mine. Once I'm close enough I jump and land face down on it before giggling silently to myself. Turning back to my companions I see a warm smile on Mr. Blues face and a similar expression on Aizawas.

After a moment of everyone staring at each other Mr. Blue clears his throat and says, "I'm going to let you sleep for awhile. Aizawa is going to stay with you. When you wake up come to the west living room and we will all be there." He walks over to me, leaning down and bestowing a kiss on my forehead before whispering, "We are all so happy to have you back Zuki." Smiling at me he turns and makes his way out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. Glancing at Aizawa, who takes a seat by the door, I slowly pull the sheets back and climb in. Tossing and turning until I find a comfortable position I finally still and let sleep take me, hoping that I made the right decision in coming back to this place.

A/N- i know it's super super short but I e had a lot going on and couldn't get my head in the right place to write! Hope you guys enjoy!!

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