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Deku's POV

"How did you know I was here?" I question all the while checking for escape routes.

"Ever since the entrance exam we have been trying to develop a device that will let us know where you are. It was as a precaution since you had been with the villians for over a year." Aizawa explains while pocketing the device. "It also works on others that have a quirk similar to your own."

"Ah I see. Well, isn't that just wonderful." I say sarcastically while inching my way towards the door. Just as I'm close enough to make a break for it, I'm grabbed from behind by none other than Todoroki. I struggle for a moment before realizing that im no match for his strength.

"You should know there is no escaping now young Midoriya. We will be taking you into custody." All Might smugly says. That's what you think you smug bastard, I think as I reach into my pocket. Even though Todoroki has me by my upper arms keeping me from going anywhere, he stupidly didn't restrain my hands so I could reach the things in my pocket. I grab a small knife that I had in my pocket along with my phone. I press one, to speed dial Shigaraki and pull my knife out. I swipe at Todoroki's face making him let me go in shock, turn and sprint out the door. Putting the phone up to my ear I pray Shigaraki picks up.

"What do you need Izuku?" He questions bored

"I need an out asswipe. I've been exposed." I huff out between breaths while trying to avoid all the heros. Over the intercom I hear an announcement, ALL STUDENTS RETURN TO YOUR DORMS. THERE IS A DANGEROUS VILLIAN ON THE LOOSE. REPEAT, ALL STUDENTS RETURN TO YOUR DORMS.
"Ah great, now what?"

I groan while taking a break in an alleyway in between the buildings. I can see the entrance to the school, but the problem is the two heros standing in between me and the exit. Aizawa and All Might stand there scanning the the area for me. I think about going spirit and trying to sneak by, but i see in Aizawa's hand the device that can sense me.

"Shit, shit, shit." I mutter to myself as I try and think up a plan to get past them. As I'm looking at them I see a flicker of blue behind them. Looking closer I see Dabi come out of a portal, followed by my favorite psycho.

"Oh hell yes!" I cheer inadvertently drawing attention to myself. The two by the front gate see me and start toward my hiding spot. "Oops." I say while starting to disappear. Just because they can sense me, doesn't mean they can grab me, I think to myself as i try and make it around them.

I was wrong. Apparently if he knew where I was Aizawa could grab me with his quirk. He let's out long scarf-like strands that are capable of cancelling out quirks when they make contact. I wasn't aware of that so as I tried to speed by him he grabbed me around the waist. Suddenly I was solid again, and anytime i tried to turn spirit i couldnt.
"Give it up Midoriya. As long as I have you, you won't be getting away." Aizawa said bored.

As he began to drag me away, I see Dabi sneak even closer to the two. All of a sudden a massive fireball hits aizawa in the back causing him to let go of me. I hurriedly get up, smash the device that can see me and run as fast as I can towards the portal. Dabi continues to throw flames at the two until I'm close enough to grab him. As I run past I grab him and Toga and pull them into the portal with me to make sure we all make it back. Seeing the inside of the bar, I let out a big sigh only to come eye to eye with a very pissed off Shigaraki.

"WHAT. DID. I. SAY MIDORIYA!?" He seethes while walking closer to me. He gets right up in my face and lays four fingers on my shoulder leaving on off.

"Now Shigi, let's not be rash. I can fix this. I already have a plan to do that. " I try and console him before he kills me.

"I told you no more mistakes Midoriya. And what do you do? Make an even bigger mistake by getting yourself exposed!" He yells the last part slowly losing his patience with me. "Gah, what are you? Worthless?" He says frustrated, and suddenly I was angry. Very, very angry.

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