Better Not Fuck Up

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"So how did you manage that?" Shigaraki asks me while laying his head on my shoulder. "I cant help but think you somehow manipulated the poor boy."

"Of course I did. I planted the idea of getting rid of his father in his head, and then when I saw them arguing I forced him to make a decision. Never even really gave him enough time to think it through." I shrug my shoulder and chuckle to myself at what I had done. The look in his eyes when his father had fallen dead at his feet still makes me shiver in delight. That one split second of hatred had changed his life and the course of it. It was a glorious feeling knowing I was the reason for that change.

"I see. And what did you do to make him make that decision?"

"Oh well. I knocked his father out and then when he woke up let him beat on me a bit. After that poor little Shouto agreed to let me kill him..... So I did." Shigaraki spins me around and looks me in my eye.

"What do you mean killed? Endeavor, the second strongest hero, is dead because you killed him?"

"Well, ya. It was quite easy too. Just broke his neck when he wasnt aware. Why?" I tilt my head to the side like a naive child, and Shigaraki just stares at me wide eyed. Suddenly, he bursts into a fit of laughter and pats my shoulder a few times.

"Good work. That should be blasting on the news soon enough. Now we just gotta keep the kid in line." He sits there contemplating on how to do that.

"What are you thinking about. If he falls out of line we will just kill him too. Easy peasy." Shrugging I turn away and wander over to Dabi, who has just walked back through the door. "Hey, whatcha doooooiiiinnnnggg." I sing while bouncing around him annoyingly.

"Zuki, get out of my face before I blast you." He pushes me away from him and keeps walking, but the use of my nickname tells me he isnt serious.

"Awe, what are you so sour about? Your brother is here with you now, so dont look so troubled, Touya Todoroki." He stares at me in shock and disbelief. "What? You think I didnt know he was your brother, or who you really are? Geez you think I'm stupid or what. Give me some credit." I turn to walk away after giving him a glare, but he grabs my hand. Looking back I give him a questioning look.

Opening and closing his mouth multiple times, like a fish, all he manages to get out is, "How did you know?" Smiling wickedly I lean in as if I'm going to give him this long explanation on how I know.

"You talk in your sleep." I chuckle at the confused look I'm given and watch as the realization of what I said sinks in.

"Why do you watch me sleep?!"

"Weeeellll, I had thought about killing you a few times in the early days of me being a villain, and so when I went to do it you always were mumbling. You are veeeeerrry revealing of secrets when you sleep." I wink at him and pull away. At that moment the door opens again to reveal a very pale Shouto. He walks hesitantly over to me and stands slightly behind me, hiding himself from the villains. "All finished?" I ask cheerfully. He only nods to me and looks toward the ground. Sighing, I put my fingers under his chin and pull his head up until my eyes meet his. "Stop acting like I kidnapped you. You came of your own accord, and as long as you dont fuck up, you can stay alive and happy... got it?"

"Got it." His voice cracks slightly and I cant help but smile at him. Grabbing his hand I lead him up to my room and pull out an extra mattress I have underneath it. Making the bed quickly I stand once I'm finished and gesture to it.

"This is where you sleep for now until we trust you enough to leave you on your own." Once he nods I grab his hand once again and show him a round the hideout. As we tour he starts to loosen up. Slowly we start to chat casually and after awhile we are called into the bar by Shigaraki. "What's up Shigi?" I say casually as I walk in, with Shouto lagging behind, and immediately go and plop down directly beside Shigaraki. He grabs my hand instinctively and I see Shoutos eyes widen slightly in the background.

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