Crisis Averted!

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This little bitch better not. I'll kill him. Thoughts started flying through my head as I get ready to go phantom and escape. I would have to go fast and straight through the walls. The only hero that could catch me and keep me captive would be Aizawa, but he left to go back to the classroom. If I go through the walls and keep to the back corridors I think I can manage to call Shigaraki and have Kurogiri warp me out. Just have to hide from Aizawa. I'll have to come back and deal with Shouto later. I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts All Might.

"What would you like to tell me, my boy?" All Might questions with audible excitement.

"Well...Sir... He isnt who you thought he was. Hes just a normal boy with a bad lot in life. He isnt Izuku Midoriya. Therefore, I think you should give up your suspicions." Shouto says as i breathe out a sigh of relief. Guess I wont have to kill him. Even though I forced him into this life, he seems to be rather trustworthy.

"Oh I see. And how did he earn your trust my boy?" I can hear the disappointment and disbelief in his voice as he listens to Shouto.

"Well, he invited me over to spend the night after having a fight with my dad. I've been watching him for awhile like you said and nothing he has been doing comes off as suspicious. Hes just a normal boy."

As the conversation wraps up I ghost my way out of the room, turn solid and wait for Todoroki to walk around the corner. I hear him leave the office so I float up to the ceiling where he wont notice me right away. He walks around the corner and I immediately descend behind him. Grabbing him around the shoulders I lean in and whisper, "you did well. I was afraid that bad things would happen for a moment."

"I know what I did when I joined you. I know there is no turning back now." Shouto says grabbing my hands on his chest, from where I have them wrapped around him, and pulls me along with him as he makes his way back to class. I giggle as I let him pull me and just relax for a moment. The adrenaline of the previous moment has finally worn off and has made me slightly tired.

Resting on his shoulder as he walks, I finally pull away when we reach the classroom door. Walking, or floating in my case, in all eyes turn toward us. Aizawa, who has probably been in here for some time waiting, gives me a suspicious look. "I had to go to the restroom." I simply say and make my way back to my seat. Kirishima and Iida immediately try and question me as soon as my butt hits my chair. I wave them off, dont say anything, and start to ignore them when they dont get the message.

"C'mon Felix, where did you go and why did you an Todoroki come back together?" Kirishima questions for the tenth time already.

"Just shut up! I just had to use the restroom and I met him in the hallway!" I practically yell in frustration.

"Mister Felix, is there something you would like to tell the whole class?" Aizawa says stopping his teaching to stare at me. Everyone turns toward me and I can feel my face go red. Not from embarrassment but from rage. I can feel my persona crack more as I try and rein in the urge to kill everyone in the room, starting with the two annoying me at the moment.

"No sir. Kirishima was just asking unnecessary things." I glare at Kirishima and then turn to listen to the teacher. As I listen I learn we are doing the villain versus hero training again, and this time I get to be the villain. As the class gets dismissed, and I get ready to go change, i feel Kirishima tug on my arm.

"Listen Felix... I'm umm sorry for getting you in trouble." He fiddles with his hands and I can tell he is truly sorry. Pulling my persona back up I smile widely and hug him tightly.

"Its okay! I was just in an odd mood for some reason." I shrug and start to pull him toward the changing room. "Come on, let's go get changed!" I pass Iida who was waiting for us at the door and see him looking at me intently. This man is becoming a nuisance. Kirishima just smiles and laughs as he gets pulled along until we make it to the changing room. Hurriedly changing, I come out with my scythe and go to find Shouto. I find him changing slowly away from everyone and I sneak up behind him. "BOO!" I yell loudly making him jump and ice shoot out of his hands reflexively.

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