Hurry, Hurry, The Stage is Set

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Angrily he followed me. Through alleyways, up and down streets, without noticing just exactly where we were going. The buildings we passed slowly went from new and up kept to old and decrepit. The alleyways we ran down began to have stains on the floor and lining the walls from the victims of fights and murders. Trash littered the ground and not a sound could be heard, except for the stomping of our feet. Stopping at the end of one alley I turned and smirked at him before blowing him a kiss. "Hurry, hurry the stage has been set. We wouldnt want to keep our audience waiting." All Might stops in his tracks and a look of confusion covers his face. However, I give him no time to contemplate as I throw a brick at him. The look of anger I receive after he had dodged is absolutely golden. Laughing loudly I quickly turn and take off again. After a few more turns and few more insults and taunts, on my part, I finally reach my destination. As All Might runs out of the latest alley I turn and bow lowly. "My dear hero, we have reached the end of the line."

"And what is that supposed to mean, young Midoriya?" He asks crossing his arms across his chest, standing proudly.

Throwing my arms out wide, I shout, "Take a look around! This part of the city has long been abandoned. No hero patrols come out this far, so even with calling for help itll take some time for the heros to reach you." I laugh maniacally at the thought of All Might completely isolated from anyone. As he looks around I see a momentary flash of panic cross his features. We stand in the middle of buildings once used as factories to make many types of machines used in today's society. The clearing used to have a building on it, but it was torn down because of instability because of a villain attack. The old industrial district, as many call it now, began to be a hotspot for villain activity when I was young and after awhile of no relief businesses moved and it was abandoned. The heros had come in and raided it and sent many villains to jail. After that with no people in this district, there was no reason for villains to lurk. "You know what the best part is? You ran after me of your own freewill... So shall we begin?"

"What do you me-" I was already on him before he was able to finish his question. Slashing downwards with my scythe I managed to knock him off balance, sending him stumbling backwards for a moment. Without a wasted breath I quickly close the distance and slash in a diagonal motion. He was ready for me after the first attack and deflected my scythe befor grabbing ahold of my arm. Grunting at the force he had grasped it, I kicked him swiftly in the shin, causing him to release me.

"Quite a grip you got there." I chuckle while skipping away, rubbing my arm. A nice bruise the shape of a handprint was already forming and moving my arm caused it to ache. Sighing I push the pain to the back of my mind because if I didnt, I would either end up dead or in prison for the rest of my life.

Coming at me at a full run, All Might yells out his signature move before blowing a hole in the ground with a punch meant for me. Using my telekenisis I quickly float away before disappearing completely. Quietly I move myself behind All Might and slash towards his head, attempting to behead the hero. Seeing me out of the corner of his eye he jumps out of the way only recieving a shallow scratch. "You will have to try much harder than that to defeat me! I've learned your moves young one. Defeat is the only option for you." The smirk I receive makes my blood boil and I almost lose my cool. That's exactly what he wants. Keep your cool. Dont let him ruffle you. Chanting inside my head keeps me calm and I cant help but to laugh slightly.

"We shall see if you know all my moves." Moving quickly backwards I send some debris, that had been lying at the edge of our makeshift battlefield, at All Might from behind. Having his complete focus on me he failed to notice the moving pieces and several managed to hit him directly. Stumbling forward he quickly glances behind him and then back at me. "See, I have many more surprises. So come on, let's test them all!" I yell as I create a massive tornado of debris around myself. The pieces circling around me are as small as a pebble, or as large as a piece of scrap metal that had been left from the demolishment of the building.

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