I have to get back to them

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The sound that follows the sob startles both of us, but in my despair I don't pay much mind to it. As tears continue to stream down my face and distorted sobs escape my chest, my knees buckle and I sink to the ground. What kind of monster am I? To do that to my friends and feel satisfaction and glee from causing pain to others? Thoughts of how terrible I must have been fill my mind and I don't notice Kacchan kneeling down and scooping me into his arms. Stiffening for a moment I attempt to pull away, but he stubbornly holds on tighter whispering soothing words into my ear.

The not yet complete memory plays on repeat through my mind. Even as I sit here in complete despair and disgust over what I have done I feel, against my will, a slight warmth of  satisfaction and happiness. The more the memory plays on repeat the more the warmth grows. I bury my head into Kacchan's shoulder and wait for the horrible memory to dissipate, if only for the time being.

As it slowly disappears from my mind I wonder about the other two people in the memory. The blue headed boy and the brown haired girl. What happened to them and why do I feel as if I know them. Raising my head up quickly I look Kacchan in the eyes and sign, "the blue headed boy and the girl with brown hair, who are they? What happened to them?" His face immediately pales and he clenches his jaw, giving me the sign he doesn't want to tell me. "It's bad...Isn't it?" A nod is my only answer and I have to draw a quick breath in to prepare myself for the answers on what happened. "Tell me."

"Izu... You don't need to know."

"Tell. Me."  Worked up I feel myself slowly levitate off the ground and out of Kacchan's arms. Panic flares up in me and I wave my arms around sporadically. Noticing my distress Kacchan quickly grabs hold of my wrists and yanks me back into his arms.

"Okay.. I'll tell you. Not the details but what happened to them.. You-" He breathes In deeply before continuing on with his words. "You killed them. Violently and without mercy." Releasing my held breath I nod my head before pulling myself out of his arms. Standing above him I'm struck with the realization that we have been in this position multiple times.

"Thank you for telling me. Now one more question." Nodding his head he gives me the permission I was seeking to ask. "What are my quirks?" I feel a strange sensation in my eyes and as I watch Kacchan's eyes widen and his complexion turns as white as a sheet. Watching his reaction gives me a sense of power that I can't help but love.

However, Before I get my answer Kirishima bursts into the room with Shinsou on his tail. Immediately plastering on a smile I wander over to them and latch onto Shinsou while Kirishima looks questioningly at Kacchan. "Bro, are you alright? You look like you have seen a ghost." Kacchan's eyes flicker over to me for a split second to which I smile brightly and innocently behind Shinsou.

"Oh no. Izu just gave me a fright is all." The way he is speaking is odd and I know I'm not the only one who notices. Kirishima gives him a once over before shrugging and turning towards me.

"Are you alright doll?" Doll? Who the hell is doll?

Frowning I sign, "yes but I don't like being called doll. I'm not fragile." Kirishima scratches his head guiltily before nodding.

"Do you hurt anywhere?" Shinsou finally speaks from where he stands close by my side. Shaking my head I smile warmly at him before cuddling into his arm even more. Glancing at Kacchan who gives me a confused yet suspicious look, I smile a little deviously. "Well you are going to be bunking with me from now on. We can't let what happened earlier happen again."

Shinsou looks down at me with mournful eyes and I quickly peck his cheek to make him feel better. Nodding in enthusiasm I wave my hands for him to lead the way. Chuckling softly to himself he intertwines our fingers and starts leading me out of the room. As we get almost completely out the door I hear Kacchan say something suspicious. "Give him more of the shots. His quirks are coming through and he's remembering things." Pretending I didn't hear I skip out with Shinsou and begin making plans to avoid those shots. These people don't want me to have my quirks and I'm going to figure out why.

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