New Recruits or New Pets?

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After awhile of walking back to the castle, and keeping an eye on Shouto who's continually spewing comforting words to the little blonde, I decide to go say hi. Turning back to Aizawa I sign and say, "I'm going up ahead to Shouto. Don't fall behind and keep a tight grip on that hero." After his nod of understanding I hop into the air and let my telekinesis keep me up. Floating my way to the two, I sit myself cross legged and study the boy in his arms. After a moment of silence and frightened glances from the boy i decide to speak. "So, who's this adorable cinnamon roll?" I reach across and touch the boys hair which makes him flinch violently away from me. Frowning I look to Shouto for answers.

"This is Denki Kaminari. You met him while you were Felix at the academy. Before I started hanging out with you, him and I were pretty close." I stare at the boy somewhat surprised at this revelation and wrack my brain for any memory of him. While I'm lost in thought I didn't realize I had been staring blatantly at him, and finally notice him giving me small frightened glances every now and then.

Finally realizing who he was I clap my hands, and burst into a fit of giggles when he almost jumps out of Shoutos arms. "Oh yes! You were the one with the lightning quirk right!?" I reposition myself where I am laying down with my legs in the air, crossed at the ankles, and my hands propping my head up.

The boy only stares at me and after a moment Shouto shakes him softly and whispers, "it's okay you can answer him.

"Y-y-yes sir." He replies almost too quietly for me to catch. Frowning at him slightly I look to Shouto questioningly.

"Was he always this shy? The boy I remember was loud and lively. Not skittish and frightened."

"That was also before you revealed who you were, murdered the number one hero on live television, and massacred any heros who dared oppose you." The way Shouto speaks is quiet frank and I shrug before turning my attention back to Denki.

"So little cinnamon roll, what do you think will happen when we reach our destination?" He looks at me fearfully and then glances at Shouto, as if to ask for permission to speak.

Shouto nods his head minutely before Denki turns his bright sun-like eyes towards me. "I don't k-know sir. Sh-Shouto said he would take ca-care of me."

Looking slyly at Shouto I grin slowly. "Is that so? Well I suppose I can't make a liar out of him now can I? Oh wait, I can." Grinning maniacally I laugh when Denki pales considerably and starts visibly shaking. He whimpers quietly making me laugh even harder,and making Shouto pull him closer to his chest, giving me the stink eye. After I get over my little fit of laughter, I wipe a stray tear from my eye and say, "Okay, Okay I was joking... sort of... What will happen when we get back is we will call Toga in to give you a makeover. Maybe change that hair color of yours to make you seem more badass. We can even get you a new set of clothes. Then we will set you up in Shoutos room, so he can keep an eye on you. You will be allowed to walk the castle freely but you must always have someone with you and we will be sticking a tracker in you. I frankly don't trust you and would personally throw you down in the dungeon for reprogramming." Shouto quickly turns a death glare on me and I raise my hands up in mock surrender. "But since I know your savior wouldn't like that and would probably like to reprogram you himself, I'll let him. But just so you know." Reaching over I take his chin in my hand and pull his face close to mine. "If you betray him, or me for that matter, I will make sure your death is as slow and painful as it can get. Got it sweetie?" I smile warmly at him and let go after he gives me a fearful nod.

After that little exchange of ours I let myself fall back to where Shigaraki and Aizawa are. Aizawa is signing to Shigaraki in a lively manner to which Shigi only signs back short and clipped sentences. Knowing he is fluent in sign language I start to wonder if Aizawa bothers him in some shape or form. "Hey what's up?" I ask in sign and voice.

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