Returning to Normal, Whatever That Is

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Waking up after sleeping for I don't know how long, I jolt upright in a panic. Eyes flying wildly around I immediately start to disappear before I'm grabbed and faced with familiar black eyes. "Hey! What's wrong Zuki!?" Aizawa's face displays panic and his hands are clammy as he grips my face. Slowly calming my breathing I manage to get control over myself.

"I'm sorry, I just forgot where I was for a second. I'm okay now." Smiling softly I remove his hands from my face, but as he moves his hands to his side his face still shows doubt. "Don't worry! Now where were we supposed to meet Mr.Blue?"

Giggling from my description of the man with blue hair, he sighs in defeat before taking my hand and pulling me along. We make it to the door before he suddenly stops, turns to looks at me, shakes his head, and pulls me the opposite way toward another smaller door. Stopping in front of the door he gestured for me to open it but I simply stare at him questioningly. "Nothing is going to jump out! It's just your closet!" Still I don't move toward the door and after a moment of impatience he throws his hands up in defeat and opens it.

Turning on the light he steps back as rows and rows of clothing of all different colors assault my eyes. Color coordinated from darks to light, jeans from colors to denim to leather, jackets color coordinated and length coordinated, and shoes at the very end laid meticulously show extreme organizational skills. After staring in awe at the sheer amount of clothing for more than the appropriate amount of time, I slowly turn towards Aizawa. "All of this is mine? I organized all this!?"

Eyes knitting together he simply nods before moving around the closet and effortlessly picking out a complete outfit for me. After having retrieved all the necessary items he shoves the clothing in my hands and instructs me to get dressed, before turning around and leaving back into the bedroom. I dress quickly so I don't keep Aizawa waiting, and after I manage to get all of the clothing on I sneak a glance of myself in the mirror at the end of the closet. Stopping dead in my tracks I look at my face and suddenly images begin flashing through my mind once again. Memories of standing in front of this mirror and Critiquing the way I look, and then of the Blue haired man telling me I'm handsome no matter what. As images assault me one name stands out. Shigaraki. After I don't even know how long I manage to pull myself together and exit the closet to ask Aizawa two very important question. Was Shigaraki the Blue haired man and who was he to me?

Finding Aizawa sitting in the same chair as before, he stands up upon seeing me with a massive grin covering his face. "You look good! You look like yourself again!"

Smiling slightly and bowing dramatically to his praise, I straighten to ask my question. "Mr. Blue, is he Shigaraki?" Aizawa's mouth immediately drops open before he manages to get ahold of himself. Gaining his composure back he simply nods before going to grab my hand once again. Skipping away I gain a confused look until I begin signing once again. "Who is he to me?" With this i am given a sigh and Aizawa shakes his head no, but a small blush coats his cheeks. Wondering what that means I don't get a chance to ask before he calmly grabs my hand and leads me out of the room.

Following Aizawa up and down corridors becomes troublesome so I simply launch myself into the air slightly, and use my telekinesis to float. Crossing my legs in a crisscross fashion I concentrate on staying up and not hitting anything. Aizawa glances behind him at me for a moment and smiles widely when he sees me floating. "You're starting to be yourself again Zuki. We were all worried about you, still are if we are to be honest."

"Just because I'm not the same person I was back then doesn't mean I'm not me!"

"No, you are the Zuki everyone loves and slightly fears but you as you are now are not the one who made us a family." Aizawa's eyes take on a sad tint but before I can get upset at him for his words he continues signing. "Even if you aren't the same as before you being here now is slowly healing wounds that were opened when you were taken."

Walking in silence for the remainder of the trip, I begin to look around, and recognize the pieces of art on the walls and the prizes on the pedestals. Remembering things slowly makes me happy but I wish I could be the person these people need me to be. It makes me worry that they will eventually get rid of me because I am not him. Voices and laughter bring me out of my thoughts and I quickly float past Aizawa to see where it is coming from.

A door is slightly ajar at the end of the hallway and as I make my way to it, I sneakily peak inside. Dabi, Toga and who I now remember as Shigaraki sit on the couch, laughing loudly, as Shouto and Denki argue about who's outfit is more menacing. "I'm telling you this outfit has struck fear into the hearts of many people! People know who I am because of this outfit!" Shouto argues while crossing his arms over his chest and widening his stance.

Denki mimics Shouto's stance then smirks before boldly stating, "Are you sure it's not because of your hair that they know who you are. I mean that is kind of hard to miss."

"Why you! Come here!" Shouto takes off after Denki, who shrieks, and hightails it right for me! Before I am able to back away he collides with me and we both tumble to the ground. "Hey are you okay honey... Oh hey Zuki!" Shouto's voice is heard above me before Denki Catapultes himself an impressive distance in the air.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Izuku!" His voice wavers slightly and he begins to ring his hands as he waits for my response.

Picking myself off the ground I can't help the irritation I suddenly feel, and my eyes feel weird as I bring my gaze to Denki's. His eyes widen and his complexion pales to that of a ghost, but he stands his ground awaiting my reply. Knowing my eyes have shifted from their emerald green to blood red I blink hard and return them to normal.

Smiling somewhat stiffly I sign, "It's totally okay! I was in the way!"

"Spying were you Zuki. That's not very nice ya know." Dabi meanders to us after slowly removing his lazy butt from the couch.

My face flushes bright red and I go to sign but before I get the chance Shigaraki slaps Dabi, with four of his fingers, across his head. "Shut up Dabi or I'll disintegrate you." Rubbing his head Dabi keeps his mouth shut, but not with a roll of his eyes and a smirk in my direction. "Glad you're awake Zuki. We were worried you were going to sleep forever."

He grabs my hand and kisses it gently before quickly withdrawing with a conflicted look on his face. "I was just slightly tired. I'm sorry for worrying you Shigi." I blush as I sign the nickname I feel as if I had used before.

Shigaraki's eyes fly wide and his jaw drops for a moment before a wide, slightly maniacal, smile covers his face. "It's good to have you back Zuki. Welcome home."

Shyly smiling I quietly say, "it's good to be back."

A/N- This is probably the worst chapter I've put out but here it is! Also hey guys how ya been?!

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