What Next?

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Coming back into consciousness I slowly open my eyes, only to close them quickly from the blinding light. After a few minutes I try again and squint my eyes open until they become accustomed. Glancing around the room from my position I see there isn't much to it. It contains no window, so I don't know if it's day or night, a small desk in the corner, the bed I'm laying on and what looks to be a bathroom in the corner. However, the bathroom has no door so that they will know where I am as soon as they walk in. The light is only a single bulb hanging from the ceiling, giving the room a dull and depressing feel to it.

Sitting up I quickly grab my side from the blinding pain and try and breathe deep to lessen it quickly. Once I'm able to bear the pain I slide my feet off the bed and lay them on the cold stone floor. Shivering from the chill, I slowly stand up only to fall back down after a second due to no balance. Huffing to myself irritably I try again, gripping my side tightly in the process. Making it up and staying up this time, despite being a little wobbly, I begin to make my way to the bathroom. My bladder is filled to the brim and it's becoming a pressing need to relieve myself.

Shuffling across the floor, having to hold onto the wall for support, I finally make it to the bathroom. Doing my business quickly and turning to leave I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My usually vibrant green hair is dull, my face is rather gaunt, as if I haven't been eating well, and my skin is as pale as snow. Sweat beads across my brow from the pain and effort it has taken me to get to the restroom, and my clothes have been changed. I'm no longer wearing my villain outfit. Now I'm in a rather loose and flimsy gown, that looks like it's from the century before. It's rather to big on my small frame so one of my shoulders is showing, revealing the bandage over the wound I received from Kacchan. I continue to look at my reflection in a sort of daze before deciding to look at the wound that got me into this mess.

Pulling my gown up slowly and painfully, I reveal the massive bandage that wraps all the way around my side. Poking it gingerly I'm met with a crippling pain that sends me off balance. Flailing around for anything to stop my fall I manage to grab on to the sink. Pulling myself up and over, I bow my head and try to catch my breath but find that rather difficult. Finally after having caught my breath I decide I should try and get back into bed before Kacchan comes, but my legs give out as soon as I try and take a step. Falling, I try to use my telekinesis to catch myself but find that I can't. My quirk doesn't work.

I sit on the ground where I have fallen and try with all my might to call my quirks, but they don't respond. I can't use them... at all... Panic starts to set in after a moment. I haven't been this helpless since I was a child and the thought of not being able to protect myself terrifies me. Holding my head in my hands I try and calm my breathing, which has spiked out of control, but my spiraling thoughts keep me from accomplishing much. Squeezing my head until it hurts I feel tears brim my eyes. I try and hold them back but with my sudden panic attack they steadily creep out and fall into my lap.

Honestly, if that wasn't bad enough the door to the room I'm in opens. Startled from my thoughts and blinding panic, I crawl as fast as I can further into the bathroom and try to compose myself. I can't let them see me as weak. Get a hold of yourself Izuku!! However, even with my internal screaming the tears don't stop. My breathing continues in a sporadic fashion and I become completely oblivious to the world yet again. So oblivious that I don't notice my childhood friend walk in and observe me for a moment before bending down to my level.

My brains register boots and a knee after a moment and I slowly bring my head up to meet angry red eyes. "How does it feel being helpless again? Not having a quirk to rely on? Being at the mercy of those before you?" Kacchan asks smugly after a moment of me staring.

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