Its Your Choice

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Watching the rest of the matches, I wasnt suprised by the outcome. I didnt pay attention to anyone other than my friends In case they asked me about it later. Honestly I was just waiting for the whole thing to be over so i could head home to the hideout. I had some questions for my family and was pretty perturbed that they had risked coming to see the fights and risk getting caught. I would hate if my cover was blown because I had to protect them. Iida fought some girl I didnt even know with green hair. Kirishima fought some Tetsutetsu guy. And Kacchan is currently fighting Urakaka and is completely annihilating her.

While watching the fight I see in my peripheral vision Todoroki walking out and sitting in the stands. I guess he had gotten all healed and decided to come watch the rest of the matches. Deciding to go over to him and sit with him I look at Kirishima and poke his arm. "Hey. I'm going to go sit with Todoroki and make sure he is okay... okay?" I smile widely as Kirishima gives me a skeptical look. I can tell he doesnt like that idea since all of them see me as someone to protect, but I smile widely and give him the biggest puppy eyes I could muster up. "C'mon Kiri. I want to see if he is okay. I would feel terrible if I accidentally caused permanent damage to him!" I practically screech at him. Sighing in defeat, he nods his head. I smile widely, giving him the biggest hug I can muster up and start to skip over to Todoroki. Before I get all the way past him though, he grabs my hand and stops me in my tracks.

"If he starts causing you problems then all you have to do is wave at us and we will come get you. Iida and I will be keeping an eye on you because I honestly dont like you going over there alone with him. He may hold some resentment towards your win and try and hurt you." I scoff at his words because I can take care if myself, but he doesnt let me go until I promise to call him and Iida if things get bad. Finally, he let's me go and I skip over to Todoroki and plop down beside him.

"So, you are all healed now?" I question while giving him a side glance. All he does is glare at me and scoot slightly away from me. Giggling I scoot toward him until our legs are touching. "Now why are you avoiding me!? I'm just trying to be friendly!" I exclaim in mock exasperation, while smiling widely. "You know if you keep avoiding me, it's going to hurt my feelings. I mean let's be honest right now, none if my friends know what you know so if you make me upset they may make your life a living hell. But then again I'm only speculating." I shrug and peek over at him again to see him full on glaring at me.

"So you admit you are him." He leans toward me intently and I just smile maliciously and let my eyes turn red.

"I dont know who this 'him' you are talking about is. All I'm saying is people are not always who they seem to be. And if they were to be exposed then bad things would happen. Remember what happened to Kacchan's family?" I question him but before he can Say anything I continue. "I mean I only heard about it from Kiri and Ura but something like that could happen to the rat's family. Even though they may not care about their father, I'm sure they would be devastated if their mentally ill mother and siblings were to perish." I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly and watch as his face pales slightly. I know he hates his father and couldn't care less about what happens to him. However, his mother is someone he holds dear. Even if she scarred him for life. After the words sink in completely and I can tell he understands what I'm saying, I pat his shoulder and stand up. Stretching, I turn to walk over to Kirishima, who is giving me a concerned look, but before I make it more than a step i hear Todoroki's voice behind me.

"You know. One day things are going to crumble down and you will have to pay for what you have done. You wont always be able to come out on top." Glancing at him behind me I smile.

"But the games are fun to be played while I am on top. I get great enjoyment out of the suffering of others. Bye now." I wave and begin to walk back over to my friends again but I stop when an idea hits me. "Hey how about you start hanging out with my friends and I. It will be great and maybe you can meet some of my other friends. We aren't as bad as you think and I bet we can help you with your father problem... maybe your mom can come home if he was gone.... just a suggestion." I shrug as I see him think it over and go over to my friends grinning the entire way.

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