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A/N- Honestly I can't believe how many people have read this! I didn't expect it at all. I hope you guys are enjoying it!

Deku's POV

"Enough Toga." I say after some time watching her cut into the four.
"Oh c'mon Zuki just a little more!" She pouts folding her blood covered arms.
"I said enough. Its my turn." My eyes go red and Toga instantly cowers.
"Fine. I'll just wash off and change clothes." She starts up the stairway sulking so as she gets to the top I yell out, "Don't forget you're still my favorite pyscho!" With this I hear a giggle and she runs the rest of the way up. Good, now she won't try to slit my throat and take all my blood later.

I turn to the four and a smile covers my face. I can't believe I have four heros in training here for my pleasure. It feels like a dream, as I pick up a small knife and walk over to my old childhood friend. "Kaaaaaaaccccchhhaaannn, I'm ready to play." I sing as I stop in front of him. "What should we do first?" I wonder as I run my hands up his chest and over his shoulders while walking behind him. "Maybe some cuts on your pretty face? Or maybe I should gouge out your eyes? Or, or I can cut your tongue out? Which sounds more appealing?" His eyes widen more with every suggestion I make.

I lay the blade of the knife against his collar bone and make a smooth clean cut all the way up to the bottom of his chin. He gasps at the pain and I can see some tears forming in his eyes. "What's wrong Kacchan? It can't be that bad. We're only getting started." I giggle as I go to make another cut, but suddenly Urakaka yells out, "Leave him alone!"
"I'm sorry what?" I question frowning while turning towards her. "I don't believe you are in any position to make demands little girl."
"I-I don't c-c-care. Leave him alone." She says straightening her shoulders.
"Fiesty little thing isn't she?" I disappear and reappear directly in front of her face, our noses almost touching. "You want me to leave him alone? If that's the case how about you play with me, hmmm." I grab her hair and pull her neck back while making a nice clean cut beneath her chin from ear to ear. It was shallow enough not to put her in any significant danger but it hurt like a bitch.

As tears stream down her face I pat her cheek, "next time keep your mouth shut and bad things won't happen."
"The heros will get you and all of your little friends." She spits at me. Angry, I grab her roughly and set the knife against her throat hissing, "One more word and I'll open your throat up and rip out your vocal cords." She visibly pales and satisfied I turn back to Kacchan. "Now where were we."

After awhile of playing, and no more interruptions from Urakaka I put the tools down. I made them all my personal masterpieces. Kirishima no longer had finger or toe nails since i ripped them out, Iida had a broken jaw, nose, hand and leg. Urakaka had chunks of hair and scalp missing and the alphabet carved into her midsection. "Okay children, I believe playtime is over. We have to get you somewhere the heros can find your poor battered bodies." I clap happily while getting ready to put them under a contract when Katsuki speaks up once more.

"I'm going to kill you. I don't care how long it takes. I'm going to end you." Laughing maniacly I grab one of the bigger blades and start to write his childhood name across his chest. After finishing the last N my anger finally receded, I grab both his cheeks and lay a kiss on his forehead. Laying my forehead against his i say, " Why can't you just listen? If you had just listened this wouldn't have happened." After looking into his anger and fear filled eyes I stand up straight. Looking down at my clothes I decide I need to change and get these into the wash. "I'm going to go change and then we will get you somewhere." I wave as I turn around and head upstairs.

After changing into a black turtle neck, some ripped black jeans and some combat boots I make my way to the bar.
"Hey, I need to warp those baby heros to the front of UA." I say to Kurogiri who just nodds and says, "I'll meet you down there in a minute."

Going back to the basement I rouse the young heros since they were starting to get sleepy due to blood loss.
"Wake up sleepy heads, can't have you dying on me yet." I say as I slap each one on the face to make sure they focus on me.
"Okay kids, do you want to get out of here?" I ask innocently. I get hesitant yes, ya, and sures out if the four and smile.
"Okay then this is what I need you to do." To be honest I've never done Contract on so many people, but as I see everyones eyes glaze over I know it's going to work just fine.
"I need you guys to keep what happened here today to yourselves. You will not tell ANY living soul about who was here and who is behind this wonderful playdate. If you attempt to tell anyone you will gouge out your own eyes before even a word on the matter can be spoken. Understood?"

Everyone nodds and they start to come back to themselves. "Okay everyone, don't tell anyone or there will be consequences. I've made it so bad things will happen if you even attempt to tell anyone. Got it?" I giggle as I see horrified expressions staring back at me. Just As I get everyone untied and everything sorted out Kurogiri walks in. Without a word he transports the student to the front of the school. I follow in my phantom form and watch as heros run out and quickly take them to the infirmary. Questions are asked but none of the four will tell them what happened. I smile as everyone gets checked out and then decide to head back to the dorms rooms.

I appear in my room and as I start to relax on my bed Todoroki Shouta comes barging in. "Well come on in. Thanks for knocking." I say sarcastically as I sit up in bed.
"Iida, Kirishima, Katsuki and Urakaka are hurt badly and are in the infirmary. We should go see them."
"OH MY GOSH!" I squeal as I hurriedly get up.from bed. "I'm ready let's go!" I continue to act concerned all the way to the infirmary and run over to them as soon as I see them. My eyes have turned back to Green since I came back to the academy so I don't have to worry about that. Katsuki is being treated by the recovery girl and most of his wounds are instantly healed. All except for one that is. The name I had carved into his chest stays as a scar and I can't help but grin when I see that. He will always carry a reminder of what has happened to him, and that makes me estatic. It seems the other three have been treated and they only have small scars left from the ordeal. As I run over to Katsuki i squeal in concern, "Kacchan what happened!?" He flinches which immediately catches the recovery girls attention. Shiiiiiiit I think to myself as I watch the other three widen their eyes in fear. "Wh-what's wrong guys?" I question innocently.
"Midoriya dear, maybe we should leave these four to rest for a little while." Recovery girl suggests while ushering me out. Sighing out an okay i leave quietly and as the doors close behind me I turn spirit. I float back in and float around the four while thinking about ways I can fix this mess. I could just kill them off one by one slowly. That way it won't look as suspicious as all of them suddenly dying.

As I decide that's what I'm going to do my former idol walks in along with Mr. Aizawa. Shiiiiiit.
"Young Bakugou, can you tell me what has happened?" Kacchan quickly shakes his head, as do the rest.
"Katsuki, who calls you Kacchan? Is it several people or only a select few?" Aizawa questions As I cringe. Dammit. My anger got the best of me again. I silently berate myself before tuning back in to the conversation.
"Only a few people call me that. My parents, deku's mom, and....and....Deku." Kacchan says while looking relieved that nothing bad happened. I'm fucked. I start to float away in a hurry. Right before I leave the room completely I hear something terrible.

"Stop right there young Midoriya. We know you are here." All Might states commandingly. In disbelief I turn around slowly and as I come to face them completely, I see Aizawa holds a device in his hand. Said device has a blue pinpoint directly over where I should be floating.
"Come out young Midoriya. You can't hide behind your quirk any longer." All Might states.

Shiiiiiiiit. I'm fucked. I turn solid and stand in front of the man who told me that I couldn't be a hero. The man who crushed my dreams and was ultimately the last push for me to turn to villainy. My idol, the number one hero, All Might.

A/N- I'm kind of in a slump after this chapter. I dont know where i want this to go 🤷‍♀️

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