A few notes before we start

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To everyone who is waiting for a sequel to "Control the Chaos" I have semi-good news: I have actually started writing it, there's about half of the first chapter already there, with a plot forming in my head.

The semi-bad news is that I got distracted by this idea and decided to write it out of my system first.

As I wrote in the description - this started out with basically nothing more than the question: what if Can had become Tin's roommate in England?

Since this plays mostly in England at the moment, I wrote in some of my original characters that usually live in another fanfiction universe (they are part of a large family saga in the Harry Potter universe).

Don't worry about their presence, though - this is still purely a TinCan story.

I don't know how long this is going to be and what kind of story it will develop into, but I hope that by posting it, I can keep myself on course for something interesting to read.

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