Chapter 19

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Can's POV

It was almost time for curfew when Can finally made his way back to their room.

When he had returned from town earlier, Tin was still nowhere to be seen. Can had quickly searched for the loose floorboard and had stored the condoms and the lube he had bought in the secret compartment underneath. He had hidden the concealer and make-up in his socks drawer and had felt relieved it had all worked out so far.

Then he had regretfully needed to go to the study hall and complete his homework assignments. It had taken him longer than he had hoped and now he couldn't wait to be back in the room and go to sleep soon.

Hopefully with Tin again laying next to him to keep him warm.

He had missed him, even though they had only been separated for a few hours.

Can was relieved to find Tin in the room, sitting at his desk, furiously writing something into a paper notebook.

Tin looked up at him with a smile when he noticed him coming in. Can walked over to him, leaned down to look over his shoulder and embrace him in a hug at the same time.

"What are you doing?"

"Diary," Tin answered.

"I didn't know you kept a diary."

Tin laughed.

"It's new. I've just started today."


"Because of... us?"

Tin turned his head and gave him a soft peck on his cheek that still lingered when he answered.

"Not directly," Tin sighed, "I need to figure a few things out for myself."

"What brought this on?"

With determination, Tin closed the notebook, turned around and got up to face Can without ever completely escaping his embrace.

They were now standing, facing each other and Tin had his arms leisurely around Can's waist, while Can's arms still rested on Tin's shoulders.

Instead of answering, he leaned in to kiss Can, to express just how much he had missed him. Can stumbled backwards, getting lost in the kiss, until his legs hit against the bed. He automatically sat down and Tin followed.

Their kisses started to feel more familiar, less overwhelming than the first few times – but it went deeper, somehow. He could feel a tingling warmth spread from the centre of his stomach all over his body. Their hands didn't just stay where they were, either, Tin's had wandered down his back, making Can shiver slightly, while Can had returned to gripping the hair at the back of Tin's head.

It would have been so easy, almost natural to just continue, lay down on the bed, have Tin follow him and see where else it might lead. And Can, despite his serious resolve not to go further with Tin before he had learnt more about how exactly it would work, was more than ready to just do it.

Thankfully – or maybe not – Tin was more reasonable than him, slowed down and pulled away from him.

After lingering for a bit like this, Tin finally answered his question – a question Can had admittedly already forgotten.

"McNeil knows about us," he said.


Tin quickly explained what McNeil had told him in the afternoon, how he had figured out their secret.

"He also offered help. He thinks we'll need allies if we want to have a chance at staying together. And... he wants me to figure out what I want."

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