Chapter 11

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A/N: I just want to thank all of you for reading and commenting on the first 10 chapters! Even if I don't reply to all of your comments, I'm really happy to see that so many of you enjoy this story and I hope you will continue to do so! <3

Can's POV

The rumours were flying so fast around the castle not even Can could ignore them.

Sometimes he really hated this place, Can thought while he was working through his basic training units at the gym on that Saturday afternoon.

The last version of the rumour that Can had heard was about how he was now officially dating Jonathan – how could people believe this, as long as the betting group wasn't convinced and paid out the wagers, nothing was fucking official, especially when it wasn't true in the first place – and that they would go on a double date with Tin and Irene this evening.

Attached to the rumour came various versions of how they had supposedly gotten together. That was how Can had learnt that he had apparently kissed Jonathan after their last football match... Can was pretty sure he didn't have any memory lapses and that this hadn't happened at all.

What had actually happened was that Tin had promised that he would invite him to the only authentic Thai restaurant in the area to help him with his severe homesickness – and that Can had felt uncomfortable letting himself get treated to food again by Tin, until Tin had suggested they invited some more people.

It might be some kind of date for Tin and Irene, who were somehow still an item, even though Can hadn't seen them together anymore – but it surely wasn't a date between him and his football captain.

For some reason, the only person who was truly upset by the rumours was Tin, which still confused Can.

Shouldn't Tin be happy that the rumours about them dating had died down after Jonathan had become his supposed boyfriend again?

Though this question wasn't the only thing that confused Can about Tin recently.

Something had changed that Wednesday when Tin had first comforted him.

They had hugged before, they had even slept in the same bed for a night by accident, but it had never felt like this before. Can hadn't just wanted Tin to hug him because he was homesick and needed someone, anyone... he realized that he wanted to hug him because he liked being close to him specifically and it confused him.

He had hated the fact that Tin had gone to sleep in his own bed after they had finished eating the ramen. For everything to truly become bearable, Tin should have slept in the same bed as him again and kept him warm. But thanking him for having done this by accident was a lot easier than coming up with the courage to ask him to do it on purpose.

This wasn't everything, though.

Can caught himself thinking of Tin sometimes while he was doing repetitive exercises at the gym or running warm-up laps before football training or even when his mind wandered off during particularly boring classes.

Was it normal to think of your roommate in these situations? To wonder what he was up to right now and whether he was feeling alright? Even wondering whether you would have the chance to see him in the evening before he went to sleep? Or if he would wait for you to finish showering again before going down for breakfast?

Despite having refused to wait for him the first time Can had asked, Tin had never failed to have breakfast with him when their schedules aligned ever since. And Can liked that about Tin; that he had been willing to give him a chance after they had had such a rocky start. That he had genuinely warmed up to him and that he now did everything to make him feel welcome.

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