Chapter 4

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Tin's POV

There was a knock on the door.

Who dared to knock on his door before breakfast?

Who dared to knock, period?

Tin walked over to the entrance. The shower was still running in the bathroom next to it.

He took a deep breath before he opened the door to the smiling face of Jonathan Yaxley... the son of Coach Lavinia and her husband, the school's President of the board.

Jonathan was part of the sports program and didn't move in the same circles as Tin. The only run-ins Tin had had with the freckled, strawberry-blonde guy so far had been over girls. The captain of the football team – even his biggest grudgers had to admit that he had this position out of merit and not for being the coach's son – was every girl's wet dream... well, every girl's that didn't have a crush on Tin.

So, Tin had dated some of Jonathan's exes and vice-versa and it had been awkward in the refectory at times... but Tin wasn't jealous over girls and Jonathan hadn't pushed the issues.

The most remarkable thing about Jonathan Yaxley was that neither of his parents seemed to be aware of his heartthrob status at school.

"What do you want?"

"Relax, Medthanan, I'm not here for you."

Jonathan walked into the room uninvited.

Sure, just treat it as open doors from now on. It isn't my room anymore, anyway.

This was definitely a nightmare.

As soon as Tin had sat down on his new bed, Jonathan walked over to the other one – Can's suitcase was still messy and open on top of it. He sat down next to the suitcase, waiting.

"Mum wants me to look after the newbie until he's settled in," Jonathan explained, "you should be grateful to me. I'm taking him off your hands."

Something about this statement made Tin uneasy... but what? Wasn't this what he wanted? Someone to take the newbie off his hands? Didn't Jonathan also have a private room, as one of the sons of the house?

Maybe they could arrange it that Can could room with Jonathan and Tin would have his room back. It was probably a vain hope, anyway.

Can came out of the bathroom, dressed in his track suit, happily humming a Thai pop tune Tin only vaguely remembered. Can was still holding onto his towel and continued to dry his hair. He didn't notice Jonathan sitting on the bed until he was almost in front of him.

"Oh? Sorry, didn't see you there. I'm Can. Who are you?"

Tin watched with growing distain how the two football players hit it off immediately, talking about their sport, the training units they'd have today, how it was like to train with Coach Lavinia – Jonathan somehow failed to mention she was his mother – and by the time Can was ready to leave for breakfast and the first morning training session, it looked like Can and Jonathan had been friends for years.

Annoyingly... Tin couldn't help but be impressed and a little envious despite himself. He had never seen someone make friends this effortlessly. Not that he'd wanted to make friends like that. It was disgusting. But even if he wanted, he couldn't imagine it being this easy...

Before they left the room, Can turned to Tin with a warning look.

"If you want me to respect that tape on the floor, you have to respect it, too," he said, "don't step onto my side and I won't step on yours in the future."

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