Special Chapter 1 - Ch. 43 if Can had won

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A/N: Like I promised, here's the alternative version of chapter 43 if Can had won. As you can see, it's really a variation of the same. I wrote this one first. If you prefer this over Tin's version, just consider it canon instead, it doesn't change the rest of the story. ;)

Can's POV

Maybe Can should have warned Tin that he had never stood a chance from the beginning.

Sure, Tin was just as competitively minded as Can – but Can simply didn't accept defeat as long as he could.

He hadn't been discouraged by his loss in the first game they had played. It was one that Tin had chosen – battleships. To add some spice, they had agreed that losing a battleship wouldn't just lose them a point, they would also have to get rid of a piece of clothing they wore.

Can was almost naked at the end of the battleships competition – not unexpectedly, Can had so many tells that Tin could guess the location of his battleships just by looking at him, while Tin had a true poker face.

However, losing most of his clothes early had proved to be an advantage as they moved on to the next game. It consisted of throwing 1£ coins as close as possible to a penny thrown out first. Can's spatial awareness wasn't just one of his biggest assets as an attacking midfielder, it also helped him win this game handily. But more than that, he had soon noticed that Tin was distracted by his naked torso and he had shamelessly taken advantage of it.

Finally, as a decider game, they simultaneously had to keep a glass of water in their mouth for as long as they could and whoever swallowed or spit it out first, lost. Everything to get the other to give up was fair game, except touching the other. Before they had started, they'd both thought this game favoured Tin, who had much better self-control than Can in general, and Can had nearly refused to play it to begin with.

However, they had both underestimated Can's utter determination to win at a game – and the fact that he was barely wearing any clothes made it much easier to provoke Tin just by looking at him suggestively and then moving this body provocatively. Tin had swallowed the water before he understood what had happened.

Can laughed now, savouring his victory.

"Admit it, you thought of swallowing something else."

He had meant it as a joke. So far, Tin had never shown any interest in going down on him and Can would never want him to do something he wasn't comfortable with.

Thus, he was shocked when Tin only smirked and began to kiss his way down his torso, pulling him slightly off the bed with every movement, until Tin was on his knees on the floor and Can sitting up on the bed.

That was an intriguing sight Can never thought he would see. Particularly when Tin tucked at his boxers and pulled them down to reveal his already expectant dick.

Can gulped silently.

"I was only joking, Tin! I don't expect you to-"

The smug smile on Tin's face shut him up.

"I never joke about such things."

"I'm not complaining. I'm just saying..."

Tin evidently valued deeds more then words at the moment. Can inhaled sharply when he felt Tin's tongue lick over his shaft from the bottom right to the sensitive top as if he was enjoying a popsicle. Can automatically threw his head back and pushed his hips forward, eager to get more.

"Ahh, damn... why didn't you tell me it feels so good?"

He could feel more than hear the slight chuckle coming from Tin, so close to his sensitive dick, before he happily obliged and did it again, this time stopping teasingly whenever Can showed any reaction, be it a sigh, a shout or just a shiver from his body. Looking down into Tin's smug eyes made him both more desperate and slightly angry.

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