Chapter 42

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Tin's POV

It was the evening before the Medthanans arrived. Tin had already gotten a message that they had boarded the plane in Bangkok.

He thought he was well prepared for the confrontation with his family, but he could still feel the nervousness creeping up on him.

After he had finally found Tul's connection to the conspiracy around the Yaxley family, the rest had just been clean-up. Knowing that Tul's stepfather's company was involved, Tin could point the computer cracks in their LGBT+ group in the proper direction and they had finally found the root source of all the unsavoury ads and profiles on Can.

It had originated from an agency not so unlike the services Lucinda hid behind her façade as a freelance reporter and with a little help from the professionals working for her, they had found the money trail leading back to Tul's budgets inside of Medthanan Real Estate.

Even though they hadn't been in direct contact with her anymore – it had all gone through Mr. Yaxley – Tin could almost hear her gleeful gloating in the e-mails she had written about the amateurish blunders their opponents had made.

Meanwhile, Can's training with Arsenal F.C. had made small waves inside the professional football scene. Other clubs seemed rather well-informed about what was going on with their competitors, and since Can had now stepped outside of the shielded school environment, all bets were off. He had received invitations to train with teams all over Europe and most major player agencies were clamouring to sign him.

Luckily, they could redirect all these calls to the school, who was acting as player agency for all their students as part of their education package. Though Can had been utterly stunned at first when realisation began to dawn on him just how sought after his talent was, he had adjusted to the situation surprisingly fast.

Now that Tin was looking at Can, who was sitting on the bed next to him, playing a multiplayer game on his phone with his newfound guild from the LGBT+ group, he had to admit that Can's adaptability shouldn't have surprised him.

Can had arrived here barely two months ago and despite his homesickness occasionally flaring up still, he had managed to not just adapt to the school, but leave his mark on many people, too. Tin chief among them. Can had been caught up in more gossip and drama than most students in their entire school career, and he was still doggedly following his goal.

Tin was now confident that Can would make his debut in one of the big European leagues next season, as soon as he graduated from school – and that neither the temptations of fame nor money would change him. He was strong enough to resist both. At the core, Can had remained the same cheerful, daring and disarmingly innocent boy, no matter what happened.

That was one important reason why Tin could never afford to lose him, and he was willing to adjust his own goals to accommodate Cans. If he lost Can, it would be hard to find another person like him.

He only became aware that he must have been staring at him when Can suddenly stared back, slightly annoyed and lowered his phone.

"Sorry folks, that's it for me tonight. I think there's someone demanding my attention. Thanks for the games!"

To Tin's slight discomfort, he could hear the soft uuhs and aahs and whistles of Can's guild mates when Can unplugged the headset from his phone. Everyone in that group knew who someone was.

"Bye Can! Bye Tin, if you're listening!" someone even shouted, before Can finally disconnected the voice chat.

Immediately after he had tossed his phone to the edge of the bed, Can turned to stare back at him.

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