Chapter 36

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Tin's POV

In the end, they didn't have to wait overly long for McNeil's return.

Tin was grateful.

Waiting had been a challenge at first, with a nervously pacing Can in the room, who kept repeating all the outrageous facts he was angry about: Tin's family, McNeil's cryptic answers, the fact that his career might be in danger and that he had been painted as some kind of prostitute again.

It had gotten so out of hands after a while, that Tin had threatened to find something to shut him up. He had even tentatively kissed him, but the fact that they couldn't afford to go any further than that, had made it hard to let go.

It had gone like this, until they had both been so frustrated that Can had almost begged him to just give him something stupid to do that would take his mind off of things – and thanks to McNeil's last comment about clothes, Tin had had an idea.

He had promised Can another kiss for every piece of laundry that he managed to fold in a way that was up to his standard.

It was very endearing to watch how motivated Can suddenly was about folding the laundry he had neglected in the last week. Tin was reminded of the days when Can had just arrived from Thailand and he had thought he could never live with such a messy person.

He had misjudged him, then.

However, he had had to concede that he probably didn't get called pedantic for nothing.

It was better than helplessly waiting for a meeting to start, at least and thinking of the disgusting messages from horny men that had been flooding Can's notifications, and the threats from the Thai public in Tin's.

Now, they were finally following McNeil through the meandering corridors.

They were brought into what looked like a fancy antique dining room, complete with chandeliers, wooden panelling, heavy carpets, and a long wooden table at the centre of it. However, it had been turned into a fully equipped meeting room.

Out of the window, you could see the waves crashing onto the beach not far off.

At the head of the table sat Mr. Yaxley, upright, serious, and collected as ever. To his right was his wife, Coach Lavinia, and to his left the headmistress and Ms. Trimble.

As soon as he had noticed them entering, Mr. Yaxley politely invited them to take a seat next to his wife.

McNeil, as usual, preferred to stand somewhere in a corner and observe the room rather than join them at the table.

Both Tin and Can nervously sat down, now clearly remembering everything they had pushed out while they were waiting.

When Mr. Yaxley didn't show any signs of starting the meeting, McNeil unexpectedly walked over to him and looked down at him, eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"What are you waiting for? Or should I ask who?"

Mr. Yaxley didn't answer.

"You invited her, didn't you?"

It didn't need more than a faint nod from him for McNeil to get angry.

"What were you thinking, Yaxley! This is a school! Do you know how many potential triggers this place has... there's a reason she never comes here. There's a reason I'm the one looking after Jessie."

Apparently, Mr. Yaxley was another person, other than his daughter, who was completely immune to McNeil's intense stares.

"Your concern is duly noted, Mr. McNeil. I take full responsibility..."

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