Chapter 38

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Tin's POV

"Let's go for a walk."

Even though Tin had a lot on his mind, the most pressing issue at the moment was that Can had become restless. Being trapped inside a stuffy room with scary adults was evidently not what Can excelled at.

Looking sideways at him, Tin gently took his hand.

He liked the smile that had appeared on Can's face as soon as they made their way to the door. Fresh air would be good for both of them.

The afternoon was already running late.

They had been stuck either in their room or in meetings with the members of the Yaxley family for most of the day. Tin didn't want to think too much about what it all meant. His head was still spinning about all the new information they had just learnt – about the people behind the attacks on the school, and the still elusive connection to his brother.

Sneaking outside was worth it already for the deep breath of fresh air Tin got as soon as they had left the building through the side-entrance.

What an awful day it had been so far.

"Let's go to the beach. I'm sure there will be no one there in this weather," Can suggested.

He sounded surprisingly cheerful, given the circumstances – and compared to the way he usually complained about damp and cold days such as today. They were lucky it wasn't raining, but the fog would probably descend as soon as dusk set in, early in mid-November. They couldn't stay out for too long.

"Ah, I missed being outside!"

Amused, Tin watched Can running off towards the beach-bound path. He regretted that he had let go of his hand, but Can running ahead, looking back at him and waving at him was funny. It reminded him of a dog.

At least one of them was still keeping his spirits up.

Tin was somewhat worried that they might be breaking the rules just by being outside.

They had been sent back to their room after the meetings. The headmistress had told them that for their own protection, they wouldn't be able to attend classes or football training until the scandal was resolved.

At least the one involving Tin's family, whom the school's administrator was still trying to contact.

Can had protested.

It was unfair that they were being punished for falling victim to Tul's schemes – and now of all times, when Can had been on the verge of joining the starting line-up of the football team.

Coach Lavinia had assured them that Can would still be able to start once he returned. But Can only calmed down when Mr. Yaxley had offered to take the two of them to his town house in London when he returned there after the weekend. They could stay there at least until Tin's family arrived.

This way, Tin could help out with more of the research that still needed to be done and they wouldn't be forced to stay inside all the time. Additionally, Can would be able to train anonymously with the junior team of one of the big clubs in London.

Apparently, Coach Lavinia had connections to all of them and would find one that still owed her a favour.

The prospect of being allowed to train with the juniors of a Premier League team had significantly mollified Can – and now they only needed to hang around here until Sunday evening.

Tin was slightly out of breath when he reached the top of the embankment that secured the school grounds against storm tides. Can was already impatiently waiting for him to catch up, his back towards the roaring sea below.

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