Chapter 24

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Can's POV

He didn't remember how they had gotten back to their room. All Can knew was that they were finally back and that Tin was still here with him. McNeil had accompanied them. He was vaguely aware that Tin had handed an USB stick over to the teacher before he left.

This day had gone from dream to nightmare in a matter of minutes. There was so much to process, so much to understand... and to worry about.

"For what it's worth..." Tin said slowly, still holding him steadily, "I thought you were awesome. Both on the field and afterwards. That scumbag deserved your punches."

Can cried out in frustration.

"Yeah, he deserved those... but that's not the problem."

"What is it? Help me understand..."

It was hard. Can was still shocked and deeply disgusted with himself... but if he couldn't tell Tin... who else?

He gathered his resolve, before he tried to speak again.

"If Coach Lavinia hadn't arrived... If nobody else had interfered. I would just have continued..." he let his voice trail off. He didn't think Tin completely understood, yet. "I would have beaten him up until someone pulled me away. I was so angry. He threatened you. I couldn't hold myself back. If she hadn't interfered..."

... I could have killed him.

He didn't have the guts to say it, but he knew... he had never been scared of himself like that before.

But he was now.

"He insulted you pretty badly. He had it in for you from the beginning..." Tin reasoned.

"No, damn it, Tin. That's not the point. It doesn't matter what he did. It matters what I did, nearly did anyway."

To his dismay, tears began to build again in his eyes.

"I... I'm dangerous."

Can was very grateful to Tin that he didn't laugh, even though he could feel that he wanted to. He couldn't stop going back to that moment, that hideous guy on the floor in front of him and that feeling... ready to kick the living shit out of him... he didn't want to be like that.

"You're not dangerous."

It was so frustrating that Tin just couldn't see.

"I wouldn't have been able to stop, Tin!"

Finally, it seemed to dawn on Tin. But he didn't react the way Can expected... He didn't let go of him in disgust or fear. Instead, he said:

"We'll have to meet McNeil for detention anyway. I think he's more dangerous than you and he seems to do fine. I'm sure he can help you."

Can suddenly remembered how he had triggered McNeil's battle reflexes by accident on his first day here... and then he remembered how he hadn't felt threatened at all. Maybe if he could learn... but he didn't have battle reflexes. It had just been a perfect storm of being highly agitated already from their victory and then joy turning into anger in a heartbeat. Wanting to protect and defend Tin at all cost.



"Kiss me... please."

As grateful has he had been for his continued embrace, Can needed more reassurance. He wanted to feel that Tin wasn't scared of him now, that Tin didn't think less of him...

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