Chapter 5

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A/N: I didn't put a mature rating on this story, because up to now I don't plan on it getting too explicit.  (Might change in the future, this story is still very freeflowing) However, fair warning... there's someone who has a bit of a hormone rush he needs to take care of in the bathroom by himself in this chapter.

Tin's POV

He really didn't want to stare, but he couldn't help it.

Can stood in front of him, only in his boxers, holding his jeans and a clean t-shirt in his hands, absolutely confident and with not even a hint of shame or embarrassment.

Tin hated his roommate, he hated Can with a passion... but... he couldn't deny that Can was hot in a way that had caught him off guard. He had noticed it in the morning, when the dishevelled shirt had shown a hint of Can's torso and these toned footballer's legs. Now he could see it all even more clearly. Silky smooth skin and the slender, athletic build of a sportsman in the making... a perfect mix of softness and roughness, bearing himself confidently... just waiting to be gawked at?

It didn't seem like Can was aware of Tin's predicament – he seemed to mistake his gaze for the cold anger he had shown before, and Tin was secretly grateful.

"Fine, whatever," Tin said and turned away, regretting that he couldn't enjoy the view anymore.

He didn't want to enjoy the view, damn it.

This didn't change anything. He still hated him, he still wanted him out of the room – just look at the mess he makes.

If anything, he wanted him out of his room more acutely. How could he possibly live quietly with someone who got on his nerves this much – and was this insanely attractive to him?

At least there was definitely no question anymore whether he was into both girls and boys – he might not be into Can as a person, but he was definitely into Can as a body and it was a problem.

"Come on, is this the first time you're sharing a room with someone?" he heard Can's voice from the other side of the room, "you don't have to be so prude. I don't care if you look. It's normal, just come to any locker room anywhere, we're all curious."

Tin tentatively turned his head around, now embarrassed that he had looked away so obviously Can had picked up on it. He just hoped Can didn't notice his... slight problem down below, that would be awkward.

For now, Can didn't seem to – or if he did, he didn't react to it in any way. Can was already almost dressed and to Tin's delight, he actually took the time to close the suitcase and put it back at the foot of the bed. Almost as if he was listening to Tin's words, despite their confrontation earlier.

"So... I'm going out for a few drinks with the football team. Do you want to join us?"


Why would he join them? And why would Can even think of inviting him? He had been nothing but hostile to him and it hadn't looked like Can had anything but distain for him either.

He didn't know what to answer, conflicted between wanting to enjoy the room for himself – and take care of his little problem undisturbed – and going out just to see what it would lead to.

Since he didn't answer, Can got it all wrong.

"Suit yourself," Can said, "I was just trying to be friendly. But you know... I'll be out for a while. I heard you have a girlfriend. Maybe you want to take advantage of my absence... Just..."

Can looked around for something, finally asked Tin for a pen and a paper – Tin wordlessly handed him the block of sticky notes he had used the night before – and Can scribbled something onto it.

Roommates - Not in Bangkok anymore [completed]Where stories live. Discover now