Chapter 6

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Can's POV

They only had ten more minutes before the front door would be locked and curfew would start.

Can wasn't particularly keen on getting locked out in general – and not on his very first day here in particular.

However, getting back on time and remaining a reasonably good roommate wasn't that easy.

Most of the rest of the football team was still at the pub. Jonathan had been confident that he knew a way to sneak back into the castle even after curfew – but Can really didn't want to get caught breaking curfew on his second night at this school.

He couldn't afford to lose the scholarship, it was his only shot at making it as a football pro. So, he didn't have much appetite for risk at the moment anyway.

Surprisingly, Tin had offered to accompany him back to the castle, speaking of some kind of incident that had put him on probation and made it too dangerous for him to stay out. Everyone around the table had immediately known what Tin was referring to – everyone except for Can, who didn't dare to ask.

He wasn't particularly interested in gossip. Honestly, he couldn't really imagine any kind of incident his pedantic roommate could have been involved in.

It couldn't have been related to girls, judging by Tin's behaviour at the moment.

Even though Tin hadn't had that much beer, he was swaying slightly as he walked, leaning heavily on Can on one side, while lightly holding Irene on the other.

Every few metres, Tin stopped on his track and insisted he really needed to kiss Irene again. And sometimes, his head swayed to the other side and Can was afraid that he would try to kiss him, too.

Can was seriously tempted to ditch his roommate right there and make a run for it. The castle was already visible, they would make it in time easily if they just walked. Part of Can was suspicious that Tin might do all this on purpose just to get all of them in trouble – maybe hoping that it would send Can home again and he could have his room back.

If Tin had made anything abundantly clear, after all, it was that he didn't want to share his room with him.

The biggest reason Can hadn't abandoned them was out of pity for Irene. He doubted that the small girl would be able to support Tin's weight if he continued to sway, and it would be very impolite to leave her alone with the problem.

"Come on, let's get back first," he urged them.

"Don't wanna..."

Tin's head was turned towards him again, dangerously close to his cheek.

"You are no fun."

Can couldn't help but laugh. Did it really only take two pints of beer for Mr. this-room-is-messy-I'm-going-to-report-you Tin to loosen up like that?

"My girlfriend is more fun than you."

Can wondered whether Tin remembered the name of his current girlfriend – if what his teammates had told him was true, Tin didn't stay long with any of his girlfriends.

Tin tried to lean down and kiss her again, but this time, Irene gently pushed him away, nodding at Can behind Tin's back.

Again, Can needed to push away Tin's head from himself if he didn't want to be kissed instead. It was good to know that his roommate got needy and clingy like this after a couple of glasses of alcohol.

Can would make sure not to let him near any booze again if he could prevent it; it was only to protect himself.

"Neither of you is fun."

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