Chapter 15

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Can's POV

Content, full and comfortable, Can sat in the back of Jonathan's car, leaning his head against Tin's shoulder.

After the turbulent events earlier, that had yielded two new couples for the school, they had dedicated the rest of the evening to the truly delicious food the old lady had made and to enjoy each other's company.

Since Jonathan and Irene had already found out about them, Tin in particular hadn't seen any reason to hold back, and they had kissed several more times – not the big, earth-shattering kind, but smaller, comfortable ones that felt just as good.

Tin had finally agreed that they would keep it a secret at school for a while at least. Can believed that it was mostly because he had been so adamant about it that Tin had given in.

It was an unexpected change of attitude between them.

Normally, Can was the one to be open about everything and to trust everyone until he had reason not to, while Tin kept everyone at a distance and you needed to work hard to get him to admit to anything. But somehow, when it came to their buddying relationship, Can was still insecure and needed more time to adapt, while Tin seemed above all concerned about settling the rumours once and for all.

Besides Tin's urge to make it all official and set aside any doubts about who had won the bets on Can's love interest – it had never really been a race, had it? – Irene was the biggest dark horse in all of this.

Can couldn't get a read on her.

She seemed nice, but either a bit naïve or just not that involved. While she had still nominally been dating Tin, she had never made any real effort to find him when he was avoiding her. Yet, when he hadn't treated her as his girlfriend anymore earlier this evening, she had been distressed about it.

Even though they had only given them hints and titbits about what had happened while Can was outside with Tin, it looked like Jonathan had been unable to resist the wretched look in Irene's big green eyes and he had offered to comfort her... which had led to a kiss, and then another.

Can hadn't been at this school long enough to see it personally, but by the stories the football team had told, Jonathan getting together with Tin's ex-girlfriends after finding them upset about their break-up was almost an established pattern.

Now that Tin was with him, Jonathan would need to find a new pattern.

Can at least had no intention of breaking up with Tin soon, and Tin better not broke up with him, either – and even if that happened, he couldn't see himself ending up with Jonathan.

The truth was probably that the girls who were interested in Jonathan all knew that you only needed to make sure he found you in some kind of distress in the right moment – when he was single and not preoccupied with the team's standing in the championship – and Jonathan had a high chance of falling for you.

Still, Irene casually switching boyfriends between Tin and Jonathan, and knowing about Can's and Tin's relationship was a risk. She would probably keep her mouth shut as long as she was with Jonathan, but would she stay quiet if her fling with the football captain ended?

Can thought it was probably going to end up being a short thing. Maybe Irene only wanted to have the whole package deal of dating both school heartthrobs. If so, she would be the last, if Can had anything to say about it.

That deal was off.

He cuddled himself deeper into Tin's arm. This place belonged to him now and he wouldn't give it up.

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