Chapter 29

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Tin's POV

"Hey Tin! They want to know who the girl is in our relationship. Do you know?"

With a sigh, Tin walked over to Can and attempted to gently pull him away from the teammate he had been talking to.

It didn't escape Tin that the entire room was now looking at both of them expectantly. Why were people always so nosy about other peoples' relationships?

Luckily, Coach Lavinia had already left the party, or she would probably have let loose another tirade about their reckless behaviour. However, her leaving had prompted Jonathan to reveal a bottle of expensive whisky he had sneaked out of his parents' liquor cabinet and he had insisted everyone drank a glass in honour of Can officially reaching drinking age.

Can seemed to have indulged quite a bit more in the liquor than he should have. He was getting more and more uninhibited and Tin now realized he should have worried more.

Can in his normal state was already lacking self-control and shame – alcoholised, he was even worse.

At least he didn't look heartbreakingly sad, lost and confused anymore, like he had when he had first entered the party. Tin had almost regretted agreeing to attend the surprise party without talking to Can about his birthday first, and the reasons he had for keeping it quiet.

When Tin didn't answer his question, Can looked up the teammate who had originally asked and added with a slight slur in his voice:

"I don't know how you determine who the girl is. Can you be more specific?"

The slight smirk in his face revealed that he still somewhat knew what he was doing.

The guy who had asked now looked a bit uncomfortable, at least. But Can wasn't done, yet. He turned to the girl next to his teammate, who had joined the party along with some of the other team members' girlfriends a while ago.

"Are you the girl in your relationship? What's your favourite position in bed-"

Tin quickly held his hand over Can's mouth and apologized to the girl for his inebriated boyfriend.

"I think you've had enough for an evening," he whispered in his ear.

It was obvious that along with the unexpected kiss earlier this evening, this behaviour would make the gossip channels full with chatter about their relationship. Particularly since Tin didn't know what else Can had talked about before he had called him over just now.

Even if by some miracle, the football team would hold their tongues – the girlfriends probably wouldn't... there were so many people here and Can had become so unhinged... something would get out.

By breakfast the next morning they would have to face the music.

At least it was in the middle of the night in Bangkok at the moment. Tin's brother probably didn't know about it, yet.

But in today's fast-moving online news cycles, if Tin was unlucky, the story about the dirty drug-addicted Medthanan heir dating another boy might be the number one topic on social media by the time they woke up.

It was very difficult to assess how fast Tul would move – or if he decided to hold back to create even bigger waves.

"Let's say goodnight to your guests," Tin suggested to a silently protesting Can.

He didn't let him go anymore.

With one hand holding Can's wrist, he used to other to pack the unwrapped birthday presents into a bag. Tin had planned to give him his own in private, later, but maybe he'd need to wait until the morning.

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