Chapter 14

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Tin's POV

Please, don't ever leave me. Don't ever leave me.

The words still echoed in Tin's head like a cheesy love song, and his unspoken answer with it, that he wouldn't, that he wouldn't dare to leave him.

Tin had no doubts at all. He hadn't had any before the kiss, he would probably have continued to like Can even if he had rejected him – and he had absolutely none now.

The fact that Can had said this, was one of the reasons why he was so sure. You could read Can's emotions like an open book and in situations like this, Can expressed his feelings unfiltered. Tin had no idea what had happened to bring Can to this conclusion, but what counted was the comfortable knowledge that if he said it, he meant it. Can didn't want him to leave him, and Tin couldn't imagine why he would ever want that.

It was the cold wind, relentlessly blowing against his exposed back that finally made him stir. He bent down to pick the coat up from the floor and pull it over Can again.

"Let's go back inside," he said, suddenly noticing that he was still smiling.

Can nodded, but just before he turned to leave, he reached into the pocket of the coat as if he remembered something.

Tin watched him pull something out – and he soon understood that it was a crumbled sticky note that Can flattened carefully before handing it to him.

In Tin's own unmistakable script, in Thai, it said:

You are sleeping in my bed, arsehole!

Oh shit, he remembered that.

Can's first night here, when Tin had thought Can was just a horribly messy, disrespectful idiot.

Oh, how fast things had changed!

Tin wondered how that note had ended up in his coat.

"What do you want to tell me with this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Can looked at him provocatively and shrugged.

"I dunno. You wrote it."

Did Can mean what he thought he meant? That he could always reclaim his old bed and ask him to stay? He would allow that, wouldn't he?

Tin folded the note carefully and stowed it in the pocket of his trousers, before he softly pushed Can back towards the entrance.

He would treasure that note now, that much was certain.

The first thing Tin noticed when they stepped back inside was that his other plan for the evening had also worked out.

Irene sat in Jonathan's lap, wrapped in a kiss.

What had he done to deserve such a sudden change of fate?

All his life, Tin had learnt to expect things never to truly go his way. Even though he was technically the first heir to his father's business empire, his brother had gotten him shipped off to England and discredited in the face of his family, to the point where his future was severely threatened. He still had the undeserved reputation of a drug addict.

Yet all of this didn't count anymore.

Can had reciprocated his feelings. He still felt like he was floating instead of walking if his thoughts merely drifted back to that kiss before. And now his plan to play cupid for Jonathan and Irene also appeared to have worked, all on its own and without any need to intervene.

He certainly didn't complain. He could get used to being lucky once in a while, after having been haunted by bad luck all these years.

Tin loudly cleared his throat before he sat down at the table again. The kissing couple broke away from each other and Tin threw a quick glance at Can who hadn't been far behind him. He couldn't help thinking that the kisses they had shared outside had been a lot hotter than what these two just did.

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