Chapter 28

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Tin's POV

The picture was spreading through the school's gossip channels like wildfire.

Tin was torn between being deeply embarrassed, worried, and tentatively relieved that they at least knew what they had to deal with now.

But mostly, he was worried.

It had been his fault, he had been careless... but he feared that Can would blame himself and it would still be over an hour before Can returned from training.

They had agreed that they would meet in their room if something happened that could expose them, so Tin was slowly making his way back, trying to assess the damage.

It had all started when Jonathan had pulled him aside after lunch today. He had told him that the football team was organizing a surprise birthday party for Can the next day... which was Can's 18th birthday... and somehow, Tin hadn't known about it.

Apart from letting him wonder – and worry – about Can's reasons for not telling him about his upcoming birthday, this had led Tin to skip individual study time in the afternoon.

Skipping study was something he usually didn't do, particularly now that he was also working through the accounting data he had gotten from Mr. Yaxley. But this was an emergency and he had gone down into town on his own, to buy a birthday present for his boyfriend.

While he had already been there, Tin had decided to honour Can's wish from the other day – make it a little additional inside joke present – and stock up on lube and condoms at the drug store. Enough to last a while.

It hadn't occurred to him that he could be observed doing this and worse, that someone would take a picture and anonymously post it into the online groups of the school's most notorious gossips.

It didn't need much imagination for them to figure out what the picture meant.

Tin Medthanan was having sex.

Lots of it, judging by the number of items he had bought.

There were already hot debates going on as to who the lucky new girlfriend was.

Tin wondered whether the gossips realized that he could read all their comments, even if he didn't know who was behind the anonymous nicknames.

He must really care about her. When we dated, he let me buy this stuff. Selfish prick.

Ugh, preach, sister!

Are you sure it's a girl?

No way... a guy like Tin isn't gay. He's dated too many girls.

That's a lot of lube though...

Just admit it, you're jealous.


Maybe he's done all the girls he wanted and now he's moving on to guys... playboy needs to expand his dating pool.

Haha, good one.

Haven't y'all been saying he's suspiciously close with his roommate lately? Everyone says the new guy is gay, maybe he turned him? Tin was one of the options in the betting pool, remember?

You better pay out, we have a winner!

Hey, and hasn't Tin been walking funnily a few days ago? "Horseback riding", anyone actually seen him?

No way! No way!

Come on, now you're being ridiculous. Tin wouldn't let anyone fuck him.

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