Chapter 39

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Tin's POV

"Let's take the long way back."

Can's voice sounded soothingly soft in Tin's ear. They pulled away from their embrace and wordlessly started to walk on the sandy beach again, roughly aiming for the next path leading up to the embankment.

Tin's head was still in a haze, though he had stopped crying for a while. Not thinking, just walking hand in hand with Can was good, while he was quietly listening to the rhythm of the waves breaking on the beach.

He needed to find a way to build up some barriers again. It might be okay feeling vulnerable in front of Can. He trusted him.

But he couldn't fall apart like that in front of his family or it would end in a disaster.

"I can't believe Phoebe made friends with me because she wanted to steal you away from me," Can suddenly laughed. "So stupid."

Tin looked sideways at him. He hadn't expected to feel this relieved that Can broke the silence and lightened the mood.

"Of all the things that happened today, that's the one you want to focus on?"

"And why not? It made you smile... see, that's what I mean... so cute."

Was he teasing him now?

Tin couldn't believe it. Sure, he liked that the heaviness was gone, but...

Their gazes met.

As soon as Tin saw the provocative smirk on Can's face, he knew he needed to hold onto him more firmly if he didn't want to chase after him.

He would never be able to keep up with Can's boundless energy, now that his playful nature was back.

The thought that Can might have lost his respect for Tin, now that he had seen him so weak and pathetic, this disturbing idea was there somewhere in the back of his mind; but it couldn't take hold.

This was new... to notice such doubts coming up and not being affected by it in the slightest. Instead, they were both laughing happily.

Can was unsuccessfully trying to wrestle himself free from his grip. Tin was holding him more tightly and they pulled at each other, until they both stumbled down onto the sand.

It didn't prevent Can from trying to get up and escape, neither did it discourage Tin from attempting to pin him down into the mellow ground beneath them.

"Stop it! I'm getting sand everywhere!"

"Then stop resisting."

If both of them hadn't been laughing so hard while wrestling with each other, accidental onlookers might get the wrong idea and think they were fighting.

"Make me!"

The fact that it had been a kiss that had triggered his recent emotional breakdown made Tin reluctant to try and kiss him on the lips again, but there were other areas he could try.

With sudden determination, Tin nuzzled his head against Can's neck and pressed his lips onto the sensitive skin below his ear.

A few weeks of dating and sleeping together had taught him a few things about Can's body and where he needed to focus his attention if he wanted a reaction from Can.

As expected, Can's resistance subsided almost immediately.

"Wow, it's like you have an off switch."

Tin smiled to himself.

"I give you an off switch, you-!"

The curse word never came.

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