Chapter 26

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Can's POV

"We need to stock up," Can said, holding up the nearly half-empty bottle of lube, "next time, you buy it."

They were lying next to each other in comfortable afterglow. Can felt calm again. He hadn't known how much he had needed this relief. It had been a hell of a weekend so far.

Tin stirred and turned his head to look at him.

"Can I give you the money and you just go buy it again?"

"Chicken," Can laughed, "and afterwards, you complain about the shop clerk flirting with me again."

"We've still got over half a bottle, what's the rush?"

Of course, Tin wouldn't see it as acutely as he did.

Can prodded his side.

"You can talk. It takes time to go down into town and our schedules are full. What if we get really desperate and we suddenly don't have any?" Can now turned to face him, too, "it's not your butt that's on the line."

"It doesn't always have to be yours..."


Can reached out to caress Tin's cheeks. He had thought about switching before, and he even had an idea on how they could do it to make Tin feel good about it. But somehow, Can had suspected that Tin might be too unsettled by the implications to consider it.

"Do you want to try it?"

The grimace that appeared on Tin's face didn't look too encouraging. It wouldn't be fun if he felt pressured.

"I'm not asking because I'm unhappy," Can said, "if you're uncomfortable, I'm fine as it is. I like it. If anything, I feel sad for you to miss out on something good."

There was a new spark in Tin's eyes.

"Watching you... makes me curious, I admit."

Did this mean...?

Can leaned over Tin, looking him in the eye, trying to determine whether he meant it. He kissed him, maybe hoping that he could feel the answer; whether he was ready, whether it would go well. Undecided, he left the mouth behind and followed Tin's chin with small kisses, carefully making his way towards his ear.

"If you want to try, you only have to say so," Can whispered, "I have a plan."

Tin's interest was immediately palpable.

"Tell me about this plan."

Without stopping his kisses, Can answered:

"I will make you feel very comfortable."

A little sigh escaped Tin. Can wasn't sure whether it was his soft kiss underneath his earlobe that had caused it, or Tin taking a decision.

"I trust you," Tin said softly.

Can looked up and caught Tin's smile. He took it as enough of a yes to start phase one of his plan: make Tin enjoy himself so much that he forgot where he was headed.

"Just relax," Can smiled back, "and stop me if you change your mind."

"Do you think I'm that much of a wuss-?"

He couldn't finish the question, Can shut him up with a kiss. He was loosely holding Tin's wrists to prevent him from interfering for once.

Rather uncharacteristically, Can was in no hurry. He had gotten what he had desperately needed already – and what they did now was just for fun, because he liked to play and try new things. He started a new path of kisses and soft bites down Tin's neck – they might need the make-up later, too.

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